**Written by Doug Powers
The Green Party and Jill Stein will consider the effort a success because they’ve greatly padded their email list and scored some extra “green” heading into her 2020 run, but any Clinton supporters who donated in the actual hope of reversing the results are in for a rude awakening (in addition to having marked themselves as ripe for a few dozen email solicitations from Nigerian “princes”):
The three-state recount efforts spearheaded by Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein effectively came to an end Monday — with little to show for it.
Stein initially filed for recounts in three states where the final margin for President-elect Donald Trump was narrow: Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. She and her campaign will hold a call Tuesday morning to address what’s next.
In Wisconsin, officials announced Monday evening that the recount was complete — and that rather than find additional votes for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton or Stein, the recount actually increased President-elect Donald Trump’s margin there by 131 votes. Mr. Trump won the state by a margin of 22,748 votes, according to the newest totals from the Wisconsin Election Commission.
Stein’s campaign paid approximately $3.5 million for the Wisconsin recount.
Basically Stein’s donors shelled out almost $27,000 per extra vote that padded Trump’s lead. Well done!
Next order of business for lefties: Trying to figure out how to blame Russia for the recount widening Trump’s margin of victory in Wisconsin.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe