**Written by Doug Powers
Same shtick, different decade:
Al Gore presented a new trailer for “An Inconvenient Sequel” during CinemaCon in Las Vegas on Tuesday, a decade after he promoted the original “An Inconvenient Truth.”
The former vice president revealed presented the trailer during the Paramount presentation and was warmly received by the audience. “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” opens July 28.
Released in 2006, “An Inconvenient Truth” was a solid performer for Paramount with nearly $50 million in worldwide grosses. “The power of entertainment to inform us has made us more socially aware,” Gore said Tuesday.
This is basically an anti-Trump ad disguised as a “climate change Armageddon” disaster movie (aerial footage courtesy of Leo DiCaprio’s private jet):
Because Gore wanted to insinuate that capitalism is a threat to humanity’s survival while avoiding charges of hypocrisy, the new movie is being released through a little non-profit subsidiary of Viacom called Paramount Pictures. “An Inconvenient Sequel” is expected to be the most-applauded in-flight movie screened on the private jets of rich climate change activists this year.
The movie, a sure bet for two thumbs-up from Michael Moore, is called “An Inconvenient Sequel” because “I Know My Last Movie Made You Think We’d Be Dead By Now But That Hasn’t Happened Yet But Will Because of Trump” wouldn’t fit on the marquee at Cannes.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe