Straight talk about women and the workplace
by Michelle Malkin for
I am a woman who has worked in the media industry for 25 years – in newspapers, television, and on the Internet.
I’ve worked for big corporations and family-owned companies and independent start-ups and founded two of my own websites.
I am here to tell you that there is nothing stopping women from blowing the whistle if they don’t like how they are treated.
The most important career advice I give to young women is to learn to say NO. The world won’t end if you walk away from an awkward or ugly situation and head for the door if managers won’t support you.
I speak from experience. My conflicts with various media bigwigs and personalities – both men AND women – who crossed the line with me are well known. I don’t wait years to call people out. And I do it out in the open. Not behind closed doors.
If you’ve been sexually harassed and you CHOOSE to keep quiet about it because your career ambition is more important to you than your self-respect, blame yourself.
If you’ve been insulted or dissed by colleagues and you CHOOSE to suffer in silence because getting on air is more important to you than defending your integrity, that’s on you.
If you go along with the corporate ladder-climbing game and collect your paycheck and smile for the cameras while you sit across from the table from some creeper or pig or jerk, don’t expect sympathy 3 or 5 or 10 years later when you suddenly feel compelled to share a tale of hurt feelings to ingratiate yourself with your new bosses.
And if you LIE about sexual harassment or rape for fame, money, revenge, or political score-settling, you are the lowest form of female crapweasel on the planet.
Don’t blame The Patriarchy or Institutional Sexism for your own choices and failures and falsehoods.
Get off the Victim Bandwagon and hold yourself accountable.
That’s what TRUE feminist empowerment is all about.