**Written by Doug Powers
Because the DNC refuses to ever acknowledge the existence of the definition of insanity, they’ll be eager to hinge their hopes of winning back the White House on polls like these (Zogby Analytics and Politico/Morning Consultant):
Polls like those are exactly why an overconfident Clinton campaign ordered new drapes for the Oval Office in 2016, which on election night were removed from boxes, placed on the end of broomsticks and used to mop up Hillary’s tears, Swiffer-style.
This time around, to try and bring some energy and youth to the Democrat presidential ticket, a Joe Biden campaign isn’t entirely outside the realm of possibility:
Joe Biden thinks it’s critical that Donald Trump not get a second term — and though it’s early, he doesn’t yet see anyone else who could stop that from happening.
So, he’s been telling people privately, that might mean he’ll just have to run himself.
After beginning the year both teasing a 2020 bid and ruling one out — sometimes on the same day — Biden in recent months has shifted unmistakably in favor of running, say multiple people who’ve been in touch with the former vice president and his team.
Do it, Joe! Other early possibilities for Dems are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. And you just know that Hillary’s going to make some sort of return, like Jason Voorhees in the DNC’s version of another Friday the 13th movie.
And don’t look now, but the Dems’ streak of consecutive episodes of being in love with Saturday Night Live might have ended last night:
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe