**Written by Doug Powers
Hey, why should Hillary Clinton hog all the ex-Obama officials’ self-unawareness fun during the protests in Iran? The people who were key in working with the regime, sending them a couple billion in cash and doing anything to save their precious nuclear deal are now criticizing the current administration for taking sides.
First off, John Kerry:
With humility about how little we know about what’s happening inside Iran, this much is clear: it’s an Iranian moment and not anyone else’s. But the rights of people to protest peacefully and voice their aspirations are universal and governments everywhere should respect that.
— John Kerry (@JohnKerry) December 31, 2017
If you hold that tweet close to your ear you can hear the sound of James Taylor music coming from Kerry’s den. My guess for why that statement is so meandering is that Kerry’s not quite sure how to handle a problem he can’t figure out how to directly blame on climate change.
Next up, Iran Deal cheerleader Susan Rice:
How Can Trump Help Iran’s Protesters? Be Quiet. https://t.co/w0MNlWMkxG
— Susan Rice (@AmbassadorRice) December 31, 2017
She should go on some news shows now and blame the uprising on a video just for consistency.
Finally, Obama’s former deputy national security adviser:
The Iranian people are rightfully demanding dignity, less corruption, more opportunity, and greater control over their lives. In looking at US twitter, it seems lost on too many that this is about what Iranians want for Iran, and not about us.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) December 31, 2017
“Echo chamber” Iranian regime enabler says whaaat?
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe