**Written by Doug Powers
Be afraid
It’s at times like this I’m glad I don’t go out much anymore:
On a call outlining its strategy to get people to sign up for Obamacare over the summer, leading Obamacare advocacy group Enroll America said it will get more creative with its outreach tactics – including hitting up night clubs – now that only certain groups of people remain eligible to sign up for health coverage.
‘If it’s a health fair, we wanna have a table set up. If it’s a long line at a night club, we want somebody walking up and down it, talking to folks while they’re stuck there,’ John Gilbert, National Field Director of Enroll America, told fellow Obamacare recruiters on the call.
The group will begin its new outreach operation in May.
Open enrollment into Obamacare closed on March 31. Among those now eligible for special enrollment are young people aging off of their parents’ insurance plans.
If approached, turn the tables and say “are those Obamacare pants you’re wearing, because your approval rating just went down the toilet.”
Here’s a good sales pitch instructional video for potential Obamacare night-clubbers:
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe