**Written by Doug Powers
The “Massive Ordnance Air Blast” bomb being dropped on ISIS caves Afghanistan caused a tear in the space-time continuum on Thursday, which sent the universe tumbling to a violent end. At least that’s what it seemed like from reading some outlets.
Here are five scorching hot takes I ran across after news of the MOAB hit the wires, and this list is not comprehensive:
1) USA Today was desperately trying to link the MOAB with the Hiroshima bomb:
That graphic’s pretty scary if you don’t read the “explosive yield” part (which they initially got way wrong).
2) The “distraction” angle was a big one:

Previous comment is Hillary Clinton-approved.
3) MoveOn.org assumed that A) One of the bombs cost $300 million, and B) It was used to bomb schools and hospitals in Afghanistan:

Did the Left play the “hey, we could have funded ______ instead” with the pallet of cash Team Obama sent to the world’s #1 state sponsor of terror Iran?
4) The Los Angeles Times initially reported it was “not immediately clear” why a bomb of this magnitude was used on a group of terrorists a certain former president once dubbed the “JV squad”:

Maybe Captain Obvious would like to take a crack at answering that for them.
5) Last but not least, an education consultant who writes for “Inside Higher Ed,” emphasis on “high” apparently:

Job offers from Mother Jones and MSNBC incoming!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe