A lesson for Planned Parenthood’s pin-up girls
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
Glam American actresses Emma Stone and Dakota Johnson adorned their pricy Oscars ceremony gowns and handbags with golden Planned Parenthood pins in the shape of the group’s logo.
I believe there should be truth in virtue signaling. But bloodied miniature forceps would have clashed with the Givenchy and Gucci outfits worn by the abortion giant’s pinup gals.
Since President Trump’s reinstatement of the so-called “Mexico City policy” barring taxpayer funding of international nongovernmental organizations that perform and promote abortions, Hollywood progressives have turned up the volume on their abortion radicalism — and opened their wallets.
Golden Globes winner Tracee Ellis-Ross plans to hock 10 massive, red-carpet rings and donate the proceeds to Planned Parenthood. Pop songstress Katy Perry chipped in $10,000. The author of the “Lemony Snicket” children’s book series, Daniel Handler, and his wife showered the peddler of harvested fetal organs with $1 million.
“We’ve been very fortunate,” Handler explained, “and good fortune should be shared with noble causes.”
That’s not how outspoken health professional Obianuju Ekeocha, an African-born biomedical scientist who grew up in Nigeria and now lives and works in England, sees it.
“The Africans are grateful for the Mexico policy!” she wrote me. Are you listening, Tinseltown?
In response to a campaign by Western feminists and liberal European governments called #SheDecides to raise global funding for abortions, Ekeocha published a bold and informative YouTube video excoriating elitists hellbent on funding and terminating unborn children in Africa — in defiance of how Africans actually feel about abortion.
Ekeocha noted that a recent Pew Research Center survey on global attitudes about abortion found that the vast majority of those polled in Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, and Nigeria believe the practice to be “morally unacceptable.”
Ekeocha actually traveled to African neighborhoods and interviewed women about the “noble cause” of elitist abortionists.
Catholic nuns, Muslim schoolgirls, millennial-age young women and elderly grandmothers all made their position clear:
“No to abortion!”
“We love babies, so we do not support abortion.”
“We don’t need any safe abortion as not[h]ing is safe in killing.”
Beneath their costumery of progressive benevolence, liberal Hollywood “helpers” and global do-gooders exhibit a cold indifference toward the actual wants and needs of their supposed beneficiaries in the Third World. They’re raising hundreds of millions for abortions, not for food, water and education.
This, Ekeocha accurately diagnoses, is “cultural imperialism.”
And, remember, it’s marinated in racist eugenics: Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916 “to stop the multiplication of the unfit.” It would be “the most important and greatest step towards race betterment.” In an essay included in her writing collection held by the Library of Congress, Sanger urged her abortion clinic colleagues to “breed a race of thoroughbreds.” Nationwide “birth control bureaus” would propagate the proper “science of breeding” to stop impoverished, nonwhite women from “breeding like weeds.”
Planned Parenthood activists blanketed the Third World with population-control propaganda preaching “the fewer, the merrier” and “Why carry more burdens?”
Outside of the privileged Hollywood bubble, Obianuju Ekeocha speaks for millions in condemning the butchers, predators and enablers of Planned Parenthood.
“They have not helped or furthered the cause and well-being of women in any way at all both in the developed countries and also in the developing countries,” she told me. “Yet, they continue to get enormous funding from many western governments and also most unfortunately they get the support of celebrities like Emma Stone and Dakota Johnson who choose to be blinded by extremist (liberal) views that portray the killing of unborn babies as a women’s right, progressive, health care, reproductive justice.”
Take off your glittering abortion pins and open your minds.
“The truth is that abortion in all its forms is an abhorrent practice. Most people in Africa understand this very well,” Ekeocha passionately explains.
“Whether a pre-born baby is killed in a back alley clinic or in an air-conditioned PP clinic, the killing of an unborn child is always barbaric. This is the one lesson we can teach Emma Stone, Dakota Johnson and all the other celebrities who are falling over themselves to support an abortion giant whose only legacy is that of death.”