Anti-gun New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg is dumping gobs of last-minute money into a local sheriff’s race in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s political action committee, Independence USA, has purchased $150,833 in television ads in an effort to defeat Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and support his opponent Milwaukee police lieutenant Chris Moews.
Another liberal advocacy group, the “Greater Wisconsin Committee,” has poured an additional $400,000 to unseat Clarke.
Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. is black, tough, Democrat and outspoken in his advocacy of self-defense and the individual right to bear arms.
The progressives of pallor can’t stand him.
The People’s Sheriff needs your support. Ammoland writes:
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke rocked the boat here in SE Wisconsin and nationally when he issued public service announcements in 2013 that encouraged people to take responsibility for their own safety including training to use a firearm in self defense. His public service announcements went viral because while self-defense is only common sense, its extremely rare to get a Law Enforcement official to publicly advocate for the 2nd Amendment and citizens right to carry.
Sheriff Clarke is the first Sheriff to take such a prominent and extremely public stance on the 2nd Amendment. If he wins, other Sheriffs and Law Enforcement around the state AND country will be encouraged to do the same. If he loses, other Sheriffs and Law Enforcement around the state AND country will be afraid to speak out in support of the 2nd Amendment EVEN if they privately support it.
Let’s hope Bloomberg’s gun control-freak meddling goes as well as it did here in my state of Colorado.
The primary is tomorrow. Clarke is standing tall:
“Special interests are spending hundreds of thousands to defeat me,” Clarke said in a statement. “They know when it comes to protecting Milwaukee County residents, I won’t back down. And I won’t let the career politicians in Milwaukee or Madison play games with our budget nor their safety.”
Godspeed, Sheriff Clarke.