**Written by Doug Powers
Where I am there’s no shortage of lightning in the area at the moment to help zap this Sunday open thread into existence:
Just a couple things to kick it off…
At last night’s Trump-free White House Correspondents Dinner, Carl Bernstein inadvertently helped describe why so much of the MSM has managed to make itself a lightning rod for disdain:
The “especially now” addendum that came into existence on January 20th is a nice touch, as is the qualifier for “versions” of the truth. That attitude is evident, for example, in the NY Times’ and Washington Post’s updated slogans in the Trump era:

Translation: The napping security guards have been awakened and are pledging to watch the door more intently than ever! That attitude was on laughable display last night.
Here’s Bernstein describing journalism to a crowd of mostly adoring wannabes looking for a Republican president to hold fully accountable (I left the Woodward clip on at the end for anybody having trouble falling asleep):
The MSM awakening after an 8-year coma means that viewings of “All the Presidents Men” must be at an all time high in the DC area. But don’t take my word for it — here’s a CNN senior political reporter:

The watchdog media are so very BACK!
Michelle broke it all down perfectly:
Tonight is the Narcissist-Liberal Nerd Prom #WHCD2017
What’s the big deal? @michellemalkin breaks it down:More MM:https://t.co/qbS0aemANM pic.twitter.com/vs9DRixph8
— CRTV (@CRTV) April 29, 2017
Yesterday, enviro-lefties and Trump-troubled progressives took to the streets for the “People’s Climate March,” a moniker that’s sure to act as a Cialis of sorts for those who long for the good old days of Great Leaps Forward. Naturally, three people with massive personal carbon footprints showed up to let you know that your lawnmower usage and hamburger consumption have become real problems:

Yep, these are the people who lecture us:

The emission level feels lower already. Thanks, “People’s Climate March”! I’m guessing DiCaprio, Gore and Branson look so pleased at these climate marches because it’s nice for a change to escape from the confines of their private jets, SUV limos and mansions.
Have a good Sunday all!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe