I would like to welcome you to the Columbiana County Republican Party’s website. I encourage you to browse this site…learn about our county’s Republican Party organization, our officeholders, our candidates and the many events that help to shape and guide our organization. I hope you also will feel free to use this site as an access point for key issues affecting our nation, our state and our county…from the perspective of the Republican Party. And, to broaden your access to all matters that are “Republican”, this site can instantaneously link you with other pertinent Republican Party and governmental sites. Pay special attention, though, to the tab covering Columbiana County’s historical roots with the Republican Party…roots which date back to Abraham Lincoln’s Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, who practiced law in Columbiana County…and to the noted Republican luminary of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries and National Republican Party Chairman, Marcus Alonzo Hanna, also from Columbiana County.
By all means, accept this invitation to join in on the activities of the Columbiana County Republican Party by clicking
here . Remember the words of the legendary founder of the Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln, who admonished that “we get the government that we deserve”. And, if we leave the business of governing up to others, we shall surely pay a price at the ambitious hands of those who dared to care more.