**Written by Doug Powers
What a surprise — Hillary Clinton might be planning for 2020 by re-re-re-re-re-RE-inventing herself… again:
Hillary Clinton has written a foreword for a book inspired by devotionals that pastor Bill Shillady prepared for her during the presidential campaign, and she is considering speaking out more on a topic she has long held private: religion.
“Hillary Clinton wants to preach,” begins a piece in The Atlantic by Emma Green, relaying a comment from Shillady. Clinton ha...
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Rahm Emanuel to sue Trump admin for not letting him defy federal law (open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Sunday open thread time! Let's get right to the starters…
It's getting so a liberal mayor can't ignore federal law anymore without being held accountable for it:
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced Friday he plans to sue the Trump administration for threatening to withhold public safety federal grant money because of the city's immigration policy.
The city will argue in federal court that Attorney General Jeff Sessions cannot withhold funding for Edward Byrne Memorial J...
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Trump presidency sparks boom in ‘professional cuddling services’ industry
**Written by Doug Powers
Your Saturday reminder that Trump might be president for a long time:
When President Trump said he's going to be good for business, he wasn't joking:
This room is called The Love Dome and hosts events including yoga, dance and private parties. Every Wednesday and Saturday night, The Love Dome is host to Cuddle Sanctuary, an organization that leads group cuddle events, professional cuddling and training for professionals. This is one of their group cuddle sanctuaries.
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Obama’s birthday gives uber-objective media a chance to show how much he’s missed
**Written by Doug Powers
Ex-President Barack Obama turned 56 on Friday, and some of the objective guardians of the Republic in the media got a chance to reminisce fondly about that 8-year vacation they had. It's even more entertaining when accompanied by a Barbra Streisand/Andrew Lloyd Webber hit:
♩ Mem'ries light the corners of my mind. ♫
Barack Obama wasn't just the "president," he was the "crooner-in-chief." Take a trip down memory lane as he celebrates his 56th birthday. pic.twitter.com/v0y...
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DWS: Damn right I’d ignore those red flags about my arrested IT guy all over again!
**Written by Doug Powers
This is just hilarious. “You're damn right I'd make the same mistake twice!” Keep it up, Debbie:
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz defiantly stands by her decision to keep an information technology aide on her payroll for six months after he was banned from the House network and fired by other members of Congress.
“I believe that I did the right thing, and I would do it again,” Wasserman Schultz said Thursday in an exclusive interview with the Sun Sentinel. “There ...
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Quiz: CNN’s WH reporter 1 step closer to winning A) Pulitzer; or B) Dem 2020 nomination
**Written by Doug Powers
There's a reason CNN's uber-objective WH reporter Jim Acosta hates the “no cameras” briefings, but lucky for him they were on yesterday, and it showed:
During the White House briefing on Wednesday afternoon, CNN's Jim Acosta threw a fit in the briefing room and quoted the poem engraved at the base of the Statue of Liberty in New York.
“The statue of liberty says, give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, it doesn't say anything about speaking English or being a...
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Al Gore must be trying to make his own ‘rain bombs’
**Written by Doug Powers
Al Gore had a town hall on CNN and it was pretty much exactly what you'd expect. This was my personal favorite:
Al Gore: A disrupted water cycle can lead to "rain bombs" — big downpours https://t.co/UYpqI3w42L #algoretownhall https://t.co/IAYrlovOFc
— CNN (@CNN) August 2, 2017
They're called “microbursts” and have been around much longer than even Willard Scott's oldest pair of underwear, but Gore must find it more frightening to call 'em “rain bombs.” If that doesn't...
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Boston Globe gets astronomically political with upcoming eclipse
**Written by Doug Powers
Welcome to celestial event reporting in the Trump era:
Are they trying to say the the sun and moon will be wearing MAGA hats that day, or that the eclipse is pro-Hillary and trying to throw shade at Trump voters?
As it's been pointed out though, it'd be hard for it to cut through a swath of the country and not hit mostly red areas:
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Procter & Gamble’s identity-politics pandering
P&G now stands for Protest and Grumble
Procter & Gamble's identity-politics pandering
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Once upon a time, brothers-in-law William Procter and James Gamble sold candles and soap. Their 19th-century family business grew into the largest consumer goods conglomerate in the world — launching the most recognizable brands on our grocery shelves, including Tide, Pampers, Crest, Nyquil and Old Spice.
Now, Procter & Gamble want to conquer a new...
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Paul Krugman serves up more proof Nobel Prize needs ‘comedy’ category
**Written by Doug Powers
The Nobel Prize committee really should add a “comedy” category just for this kind of laughable claim, but they're probably too busy nodding their heads in agreement with the following statement about the man they gave a Peace Prize to (which was also evidence they need a “comedy” category”):
Economist Paul Krugman referred to Senate Republicans as “zombies” and asked who had eaten the “Republicans' brains” in a New York Times op-ed Monday.
He argued that while the l...
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Sanctuary city reality check of the week
**Written by Doug Powers
California Sen. Kamala Harris is rumored to be in the mix of Democrats who might vie for the nomination in 2020, and she's already trying to shore up the sanctuary city vote (while still fighting to keep the federal funds flowing to city leaders who break federal laws):
Meanwhile, in a sanctuary city:
If Harris wants to run nationally by defending the inevitable effect of sanctuary city policies which serve as criminal magnets, good luck. Harris should ask Hillary “...
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Bernie explains how single-payer gets cheaper the more expensive it gets, or something
**Written by Doug Powers
Bernie Sanders addressed skepticism of single-payer health care system yesterday by explaining that, sure, it's far too expensive for any one state, but would become totally affordable if rolled out on a broader scale. Why? Because he said so — plus Canada, or something:
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) on Sunday was pressed to explain why a single-payer health care system was rejected in Vermont and California, two staunchly Democratic states.
CNN host Jake Tapper said th...
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DUH: Dem worried Armed Forces Commander in Chief’s ‘militarizing’ WH (Open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Over 80 degrees and nothing but sun today, so I'm going to a baseball game as mandated by July. Here are a few starters for the weekly Sunday free-for-all…
Some liberals, including the Democrat member of Congress below, are concerned President Trump is “militarizing” the White House with his choice of new chief of staff:
A Democratic Congresswoman has blasted General John Kelly's appointment as the new White House chief of staff by describing him as “an extremist.”
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Michael Moore tells fractured nation to choose between him, or Trump
**Written by Doug Powers
With the Russia collusion case falling apart before it could even be constructed, the Democrats continue to look for anything they can find to add to the articles of impeachment against Donald Trump. For now they're down to “We have to or Michael Moore will leave the country.”
Far-left political activist and film-maker Michael Moore is about to debut on Broadway, in a show called “The Terms of My Surrender.”
On Wednesday night, Moore discussed the show with Stephen Colbe...
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Schumer, Pelosi praise GOP trio for helping put Dems back in the majority
**Written by Doug Powers
Well, the Democrats got more of the one-way “bipartisanship” they love from Republicans. Nancy Pelosi thanked three GOP senators in particular:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) thanked the three GOP senators who broke with their party to kill the Senate's bill to repeal ObamaCare during a vote early Friday morning.
In a press conference Friday, Pelosi thanked Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) for breaking with...
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Acting ICE director wedgies ‘sanctuary city’ cheerleaders in front of WH press corps
**Written by Doug Powers
Immigration & Customs Enforcement Acting Director Tom Homan kicked off Thursday's WH briefing and he commanded the space like an M-80 in a mailbox. “Sanctuary City” mayors nationwide must still be chaffing after this wedgie, and don't think some mainstream media stenographers weren't thinking of making a run for the nearest safe space:
Entire video here.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Hillary’s upcoming book explains whole 2016 story on the cover
**Written by Doug Powers
Like a boxer's first words after regaining consciousness flat on the mat after the ten count, Hillary Clinton's upcoming book speaks volumes:
There's no reason to buy it because everything's asked and answered right there on the cover.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Eco-alarmist scientists determined to make ‘climate’ kill everybody one way or another
**Written by Doug Powers
This plan to combat “climate change” is approved by both Al Gore and Wile E. Coyote, so the science is settled:
Scientists are sucking carbon dioxide from the air with giant fans and preparing to release chemicals from a balloon to dim the sun's rays as part of a climate engineering push to cool the planet.
Backers say the risky, often expensive projects are urgently needed to find ways of meeting the goals of the Paris climate deal to curb global warming that researcher...
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Who owns border death truck tragedy? MEXICO!
Who owns border death truck tragedy? MEXICO!
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Florida truck driver James Matthew Bradley isn't the mastermind of the human smuggling ring that led to the grisly deaths of 10 illegal immigrants in his rig, which authorities found at a San Antonio Walmart over the weekend.
He's just a cog in the machine.
Bradley may now face the death penalty for transporting up to 100 people crammed in the trailer of his 18-wheeler. But what about the open-border...
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Will arrested Wasserman Schultz IT aide seek ‘A Better Deal’ with prosecutors?
**Written by Doug Powers
All we've been hearing from the mainstream media are speculations about members of the Trump administration possibly having legal troubles, but so far the only people in DC getting busted seem to be Democrats. Go figure:
A House IT staffer at the center of a congressional computer equipment scandal has been arrested by federal officials and charged with bank fraud, Fox News has learned.
Fox News is told officers and agents from the U.S. Capitol Police, the FBI and Cust...
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