**Written by Doug Powers
I can't seem to recall the U.N. expressing a similar level of concern after Obama's “if you like your plan you can keep it” promise exploded and got a few million cancellation letters mailed out, but here you go:
The United Nations contacted the Trump administration earlier this year about its efforts to repeal ObamaCare, according to a new report.
The U.N.'s “urgent appeal” asked whether scrapping ObamaCare without a suitable replacement would violate global law, The Wa...
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Chakra & Awe: Al Gore’s desires come with a modest price tag (‘modest’ as defined by the Goracle)
**Written by Doug Powers
On Saturday Al Gore's going to head up another progressive agenda-parade in case anybody has some gas left to burn after driving and flying to Women's March, Science March and Earth Day events. The “Climate March” is just around the corner, and the wish list from Gore & company are modest, in a “if you look at the entire universe as a whole” kind of way:
A group of executives who want to fight global warming has published a new report calling for countries to spend u...
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Muddy Maxine Waters: What a riot
Muddy Maxine Waters: What a riot
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Are you freaking kidding me? Thirteen-term Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Beltway barnacle permanently affixed to USS Government, is now the fresh-faced “rock star” of the Democratic Party.
“Auntie Maxine” is stoking the resistance, inspiring millenials, combating hate, crusading against corruption and invoking the counterinsurgent cry to “stay woke!”
I do not have enough guffaws to give.
This new spoke...
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Ex prez back in public eye leading by example, Obama-style
**Written by Doug Powers
Yesterday, Barack Obama told an audience in Chicago what's wrong with DC politics:
The ex-prez is still leading by example in his own curious way:
That Hillary-esque shot & chaser made for a funny juxtaposition, but CNN was too busy blushing to take much notice in anything like that:
Need a minute alone, CNN?
(h/t Twitchy)
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Malkin Manifesto: Straight talk about women and the workplace
Straight talk about women and the workplace
by Michelle Malkin for CRTV.com
I am a woman who has worked in the media industry for 25 years – in newspapers, television, and on the Internet.
I've worked for big corporations and family-owned companies and independent start-ups and founded two of my own websites.
I am here to tell you that there is nothing stopping women from blowing the whistle if they don't like how they are treated.
The most important career advice I give to young women is to le...
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If this doesn’t sell you on Bill Nye’s scientist cred, NOTHING will
**Written by Doug Powers
The words “My Sex Junk” and “Bill Nye in the same title is all you need to know, and apologies in advance to those who haven't seen this clip from the Netflix show hosted by the nation's foremost self-acclaimed climatologist that dropped on the same week as the “March for Science” and “Earth Day.” The science is settled — you might want to take some sort of antiemetic before clicking “play”:
The only reason I really wanted to share that is so everybody has an idea of w...
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Josh Earnest: Obama will speak out if Trump crosses any ‘red lines’ (cue stock footage of Earth exploding)
**Written by Doug Powers
It's been confirmed: Team Obama's post-White House search for self-awareness has come up emptier than a Rachel Maddow scoop about Trump's tax returns:
“What do you think,” Jansing asked Earnest, “would motivate him to get back involved in the public debate in a way that he's not willing to do right now?”
Earnest made clear that Obama would not be interested in responding to every little thing.
“After the last eight years, the president doesn't relish the prospect of get...
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Public servant with 3 homes thinks rich people own too many cars and yachts; Plus: Obama returns (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
This Sunday open thread can be considered launched.
A few things to kick it off…
The wind-up:
And the pitch:
Notice that Bernie didn't ask how many houses socialist “public servants” need.
Also, the people who manufacture and sell yachts and high end cars probably really appreciate Bernie's caring for the working class so much that he's telling the rich not to buy those things.
(h/t Hot Air)
After a little R & R including some time partying on a yacht Berni...
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Earth Day horror! Bill Nye upset CNN’s panel included somebody who disagrees with him
**Written by Doug Powers
This guy wetting himself and getting his bow tie in a wad over any challenge whatsoever to his tightly held religious belief is simply hilarious:
TV personality Bill Nye criticized CNN on New Day Saturday for letting a skeptic of man-made climate change participate in a panel discussion.
“I will say, much as I love CNN, you're doing a disservice by having one climate change skeptic, and not 97 or 98 scientists or engineers concerned about climate change,” Nye contended....
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MSNBC’s Maddow spots REAL cause of Venezuela crises (Clue from Captain Obvious: Rhymes with ‘grump’)
**Written by Doug Powers
MSNBC has certainly managed to provide the progressive left with a narrative about the implosion in Venezuela:
I for one was shocked — No blame for climate change?
Is this even more embarrassing than Maddow's self-inflicted beclowning on Trump's taxes? You make the call:
“There have been weeks and weeks and weeks of rioting and violent protests,” says Maddow. “And now today, Venezuelans are enraged anew by this brand new FEC filing from the White House, which shows …...
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Cute: ‘Old school journalists’ concerned Gayle King jeopardized MSM objectivity by partying with Obamas
**Written by Doug Powers
Among those spotted recently on billionaire David Geffen's superyacht were Bruce Springsteen, Tom Hanks, the Obamas, Oprah Winfrey and her longtime friend Gayle King, who is a co-host of “CBS This Morning.” Supposedly there are “old-school journalists” who are concerned King's jeopardizing their industry's objectivity cred:
A source told Page Six on Thursday that CBS journalists are “pissed and raving mad” at King for vacationing with the Obamas while she anchors a news ...
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**Speak your mind in Howard Dean’s First Amendment seminar (**Restrictions apply)
**Written by Doug Powers
Former Vermont governor and presidential candidate Howard Dean apparently backs those who don't think Ann Coulter should speak at Berkeley (supposed birthplace of the free speech movement turned safe space harbor for snowflakes disaffected by same). Why? Well, it's a matter of constitutional interpretation:
Squint hard at the Constitution and it's right there in fine print under the First Amendment disclaimer “*except for the stuff Howard Dean disagrees with.”
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DNC version of ‘Where’s Waldo’? Try and find the ‘unity’ in the Dems’ ‘unity tour’
**Written by Doug Powers
The Dems' “unity tour” — not unlike how Hillary Clinton's premature mid-2016 victory lap around the U.S. with the exception of certain swing states ended up being short on victory — is missing some “unity”:
The DNC's unity tour this week, headlined jointly by party Chairman Tom Perez and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, has gotten off to a rocky start.
When the leader of the Maine Young Democrats asked the crowd what brought them to the rally, the audience erupted in “Be...
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Team Clinton’s search for which ex-staffers told journos why Hillary wasn’t 50 points ahead reportedly escalates
**Written by Doug Powers
Hillary's search to find out why she wasn't 50 points ahead and how those things ended up in a book is ongoing:
There is a witch hunt under way among Clinton's presidential campaign staffers after the release of the autopsy book, “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign” by journalists Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes.
We're told the details in the book, which depicts the campaign as inept, “could only have come from someone in the inner circle.” Dennis Cheng, ...
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Hold your breath! Global warming alarmist spots even MORE problems for Syrians to deal with
**Written by Doug Powers
The news just keeps getting worse:
It contains this passage:
In 2016, as with the previous two years, the world put 32 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. CO2 is a deadly greenhouse gas that turned Venus into a torrid hellhole hot enough to melt lead.
Buried lede: Apparently there was a capitalist-induced industrial revolution on Venus that caused that planet's problem.
And if you bet that the word “Frankendrought” would appear in the article, g...
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Chelsea Clinton’s cheerleading cult
Chelsea Clinton's cheerleading cult
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
How thirsty does Variety look begging readers to join it in doing high V cheerleading moves for Chelsea Clinton?
Thirstier than an ultra-marathoner lost in Death Valley in mid-July.
Hyping the entertainment magazine's latest cover, Co-Editor-in-Chief Claudia Eller gushed this week, “How cool does Chelsea Clinton look on our Power of Women, NY, cover?”
Welcome to the liberal media's manufacturing of “cool.” Le...
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Motive sure to stump many after several people killed in Fresno by suspect who hated ‘white devils’ and shouted ‘Allahu akbar’
**Written by Doug Powers
Awful news out of Fresno, Calif. on Tuesday:
A Fresno man known for advocating black separatism and making militant comments on social media shot and killed three people in downtown Fresno on Tuesday before surrendering to authorities and uttering the phrase, “Allahu akbar,” according to the Fresno Police Department.
The suspect was identified as Kori Ali Muhammad, a 39-year-old man who was wanted in connection with the shooting death of a security guard outside a motel ...
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Hillary Clinton reportedly apologized to Obama after the election (for WHAT?)
**Written by Doug Powers
Now's about the time the “inside stories” about election night 2016 emerge. Here's one:
The book revealed that Hillary Clinton “softly” apologized to then-President Obama on the election night after he called to urge her to concede, according to a Washington Post book review.
According to Allen and Parnes, Obama pressured Clinton to concede first through White House political director David Simas, who called Clinton's campaign manager Robby Mook.
“POTUS doesn't think it'...
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Sweatin’ to the Totalitarian Oldies: Olympian/MP candidate lauds 2 national anti-obesity paragons
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's an athlete and possible British politician with a “glass is half full” attitude. The downsides to living under a totalitarian regime — forced labor camps, brutal oppression, scarcity, unannounced visits from Sean Penn — are obvious, but the visionary can spot and appreciate an upside: You lose a few pounds:
Olympic champion James Cracknell has fired the starting gun on his bid to become an MP – but his race has started shakily after he praised North Korea's appro...
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Perfect: Leader of anti-Trump secession effort in California gives up in order to live in Russia
**Written by Doug Powers
CalExit effort, dasvidaniya!
The leader of California secession campaign has decided that he would like to live in Russia permanently, and is therefore abandoning his efforts to make the Golden State its own country.
In a lengthy statement Monday, Louis Marinelli, president of the separatist group Yes California, announced he was withdrawing his petition for a referendum on secession. Instead, he plans to apply to be a live permanently in Russia, where he currently re...
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