**Written by Doug Powers
The world successfully lived through Al Gore's 2006 Inconvenient Truth “10-year tipping point” a year ago:
In January, 2006 — when promoting his Oscar-winning (yes, Oscar-winning) documentary, An Inconvenient Truth — Gore declared that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a “point of no return” in a mere ten years. He called it a “true planetary emergency.” Well, the ten years passed today, we're still here, and the climate...
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Ultrasound: The anti-science Left’s bugaboo
Ultrasound: The anti-science Left's bugaboo
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Abortion extremists are the new Luddites.
Remember Ned Ludd from your grade-school history lessons? He was the Occupy Wall Street agitator of his time — a phantom leader of early 19th-century British textile workers who vindictively smashed spinning jenny power looms to bits in a desperate bid to halt technological progress.
Now, it's radical feminists hysterically stoking fear and loathing of machine...
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Yep, these are the same people who applauded Hillary’s ad reminding America ‘the children are watching’
**Written by Doug Powers
A few months ago, the Clinton campaign released a sanctimonious “Role Models” ad that piously reminded America that the “children are watching” and that Donald Trump's rhetoric was too horrible for young ears.
Well, there are a couple of new takes on that thanks to speakers at Saturday's Women's March. This first one's from David Rutz at the Washington Free Beacon:
Here's an un-bleeped different version from Heatstreat's Stephen Miller (language warning):
Those are ...
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Perfect: Richard Branson sends private jet for Obamas so they can discuss how everybody’s going to die from fossil fuel emissions
**Written by Doug Powers
Note: The eco-hypocrisy outlined below Al Gore approved
Another “do as I say not as I do” instant classic in just a few dozen words:
Barack and Michelle Obama have left Palm Springs, less than 3 days after arriving, and it seems they're on their way to Richard Branson's private island in the Caribbean.
The former prez and Michelle boarded a private jet Monday morning … a jet owned by Branson. The plane is bound for the airport a stone's throw from Necker Island, where ...
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Leftist rioters proved how much Trump hates Muslims and immigrants by torching limo owned by Muslim immigrant
**Written by Doug Powers
Leftist rioters are the Gilligans of Progressive Island:
The limousine that was set on fire during the anti-Trump anarchist protest in downtown Washington on Inauguration Day is owned by a Muslim immigrant who says the damage could cost his company $70,000.
Muhammad Ashraf, the owner of Nationwide Chauffeur Services, spoke with the Washington Examiner's sister publication, Red Alert Politics, about what happened:
Ashraf's employee, Luis Villarroel, 58, was dropping a c...
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SNL’s ‘goodbye Obama’ cult skit was hilarious (wait, they were serious?); Ashley Judd warns of ‘Hitler in these streets’ at Women’s March (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
It's the first Sunday open thread of the Trump presidency, but for Saturday Night Live, it was apparently a somber occasion. This is how SNL ended last night:
Kim Jong Un: “Aren't they overdoing it a little?”
Did you see Ashley Judd's performance at yesterday's Women's March in DC? Progressives have added a power booster to the old amplifier of Bush hatred and are going to dial it up to eleven until they scare people so much that Trump gets… re-elected in fou...
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Chris Matthews’ leg thrill withdrawal symptoms have him seeing visions of Hitler after Trump’s ‘America first’ speech
**Written by Doug Powers
Now that his “tingle” is gone for good, delirium tremens sparked by rapid withdrawal of Hope & Change elixir caused MSNBC's Chris Matthews to have visions of Hitler during Trump's inaugural address and to wonder what other world leaders must think:
CHRIS MATTHEWS: And that would be — but I'm thinking, when [President Trump] said today, America first, it was not just the racial, I mean I shouldn't say racial, the Hitlerian background to it, but it was the message I ke...
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Open thread: Inauguration Day 2017 — Four-year progressive freakout is officially ACTIVATED
**Written by Doug Powers
At noon, Obama's out, Trump's in. Yes, the nation's about to get an answer to the long-debated question, “Can the Republic survive a presidential inauguration protested by Katy Perry, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson and a Bruce Springsteen cover band? We'll see.
It's been a heck of an 18 months or so, that's for sure.
While the festivities commence, here's a participant in the “Junior Leftist Protester Training Program” who scored high on the “start a fire” test Thursda...
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Michael Moore leads ‘star-studded’ anti-Trump protest in NYC to prove they learned nothing from the election
**Written by Doug Powers
There's probably nobody happier with the election of Donald Trump than Michael Moore, and maybe his progressive Hollywood friends will reward him with another Oscar for acting so incredibly concerned about current events that could provide an opportunity to score with a sequel to “Fahrenheit 911.” They've waited many years for another president to hate:
Director Michael Moore held a massive protest Thursday night outside Trump's New York City International Hotel, featu...
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Hypocrisy legacy, part XXIV: Obama was for gerrymandering before he was against it
**Written by Doug Powers
It's Obama's final full day as president, and he leaves office a staunch opponent of gerrymandering:
Obama also spoke out against political gerrymandering, saying the concept is “bad for our democracy, too.”
That's certainly odd, given that Obama in some ways owes his political career to gerrymandering:
In 1996, during his first run for office, in the Illinois State Senate, Obama defeated his former political mentor Alice Palmer by successfully challenging her nominating...
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Confirmed: Obama saved the best material for his final news conference
**Written by Doug Powers
President Obama held his final news conference this afternoon, and he opened up with advice to the gathered media (Beverage warning: Put down your drink before proceeding to prolong the life of your computer monitor & keyboard):
It was such crucial advice that Obama waited until a few hours before he's leaving office after eight years to impart it upon his hard-working water-carriers. And it gets better:
After Obama uttered that last quote he nudged the journos i...
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Fail to the Chief: Lawmaker proposes Hillary Clinton Almost-Presidential Museum
**Written by Doug Powers
Possibly coming soon to a Chappaqua garage near you, a place that might come to be known colloquially as the Smashed Server Smithsonian:
An “almost presidential” museum should be built in Westchester County to recognize Hillary Clinton and other presidential candidates who won the popular vote but lost, Greenburgh's town supervisor says.
Paul Feiner, a Democrat, said he isn't suggesting using town or government funding for a museum or library, but wants a local college ...
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Sponsors of Anarchy
Sponsors of Anarchy
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
Hoodlums will be out in full force this Inauguration Day weekend. Count on it.
I've covered the left's criminal anarchist element for more than 20 years — from the animal rights terrorists who have harassed, threatened and firebombed scientific researches across the U.S. and Europe to the anti-capitalist thugs who wreaked havoc on downtown business owners at the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle and the 2010 G...
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Heckuva day: Obama’s Clemency-Palooza Tuesday included Manning, FALN terrorist, assorted Gitmo riffraff
**Written by Doug Powers
The Obama White House had a big day, and they're not afraid to brag about it:
For starters, if you're keeping score at home, Wikileaks is now off the Democrat sh*t list, but only this one time:
President Barack Obama on Tuesday commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, who was convicted of stealing and disseminating 750,000 pages of documents and videos to WikiLeaks.
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter was opposed to the commutation, a senior defense official told C...
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‘Women’s March’ organizers remind millions of women they’re not welcome (because of all the inclusiveness & stuff)
**Written by Doug Powers
The day after Donald Trump is inaugurated, the “Women's March” will take place in Washington, DC. As their Facebook page states, it will be a totally inclusive event:
RSVP on our OFFICIAL EVENTBRITE: bit.ly/womensmarchrsvp (not required, but greatly helpful for planning!)
This is an INCLUSIVE march, is FREE to join and EVERYONE who supports women's rights are welcome.
But hold on, women, because the “Women's March” organizers felt compelled to remind everybody that their...
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Outgoing uber-partisan president was surprised & disappointed by all the partisanship in DC
**Written by Doug Powers
As Obama proved in an interview that aired on 60 Minutes last night, he's leaving office with his sense of humor fully intact:
As his administration draws to a close, the president who vowed to unite Republicans and Democrats conceded that the political divide was a bigger obstacle than he thought it would be.
“I was surprised and — and continue to be surprised by the severity of partisanship in this town,” President Obama told “60 Minutes” correspondent Steve Kroft, in...
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CBS News swings for Pulitzer fences with final Harlequin Romance-worthy Obama fawn (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Time for the final Sunday open thread of the Obama era. A few things to kick it off…
CBS News, in addition to having Obama on 60 Minutes tonight for another farewell address before his final farewell address Friday, is lobbying hard for a Pulitzer (not to mention jobs writing Harlequin Romance novels about the 44th presidency) with a lapdog finale for the ages. Try and suppress your gag reflex:
They did the same kind of story when George W. and Laura Bush left office, ...
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A dose of prose-ac? Election-triggered writers treating Trump depression with poetry slams & literary events
**Written by Doug Powers
Election trauma therapy comes in all forms:
America's leading poets are averse to Donald Trump, and they're not about to go gentle into that good night.
Poetry slams and other literary events are being organized nationwide in the run-up to the President-elect's Jan. 20 inauguration.
Some, like this weekend's “Writers Resist” rallies in New York, Boston and 90 other U.S. cities, are overtly in protest. Others are merely an attempt to find a little solace and beauty in ...
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Nutty Nancy Pelosi lets America know who’s to blame for $9 trillion in debt added since Obama’s been president
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's a hint:
President Obama's being completely removed from the blame loop because Nancy Pelosi's going to go straight from 16 years of “blame Bush” to an as yet indeterminate number of “blame Trump” years:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi blamed former President George W. Bush and the Republicans on Friday for the more than $9 trillion that has been added to the national debt under President Obama's watch.
Pelosi argued that under Obama, the annual budget deficit...
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Attorney General for admin that constantly slams cops says low officer morale contributes to Chicago’s woes
**Written by Doug Powers
Chicago's in the midst of the city's worst crime and violence wave in two decades, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch showed up today — a week before Obama's eight years are up — to give a stern lecture to … the police:
A damning U.S. Department of Justice report released Friday morning excoriates the Chicago Police Department for failing to discipline officers who too often resort to force, including shootings.
The failure to effectively investigate officers' use of fo...
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