**Written by Doug Powers
Harry Reid will try to pin the blame for this epic backfire on the Koch brothers, but he can't hide from his real legacy, or its entertainment value:
Senate Democrats are eager to make Donald Trump pay a political price for nominating staunch conservatives to fill out his Cabinet, hoping to exact revenge for the GOP's stubborn opposition to President Barack Obama's nominees. But there is little they can do about it — and some top Democrats are now coming to regret it.
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Nancy Pelosi, who’s totally qualified to dabble in health care, calls Ben Carson ‘disturbingly unqualified’ for HUD post
Last but not least: If Pelosi's so eager to talk about HUD secretary “qualifications,” lets **Written by Doug Powers
If the party designations were reversed, the MSM lede here might be “wealthy white career politician who knew enough about health care to spearhead disastrous system overhaul calls black neurosurgeon raised in housing projects incapable of handling HUD”:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., warned Monday that Ben Carson isn't qualified to run the Department of Housin...
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The metaphor gods were smiling upon Fidel Castro’s funeral procession
**Written by Doug Powers
Fidel Castro's supporters are sure to praise his funeral procession for doing its part to limit emissions in order to fight global warming:
Cuban dictator Fidel Castro's ashes were interred in a private ceremony Sunday morning, ending nine days of official mourning.
The Russian-made jeep ferrying Castro's ashes broke down and needed to be pushed on Saturday en route to the late leader's final resting place.
The breakdown of the jeep in the midst of adoring crowds chantin...
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Trump’s chat with Taiwan leader poses threat, says admin that shipped $1.7 billion in cash to world’s #1 sponsor of terror (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
All hands on deck for another Sunday open thread & news recount. A few things to kick it off…
Is there anything funnier than watching the people who applauded the Iran deal, approved sending over a billion in cash to the world's number one state sponsor of terrorism and powder-puffed the life of a brutal communist dictator freak out over Trump accepting a phone call from the president of Taiwan?
Over the past two decades, Taiwan has slipped from its position atop the...
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The MSM talking points about the transfer from Obama to Trump have obviously been issued
**Written by Doug Powers
The MSM talking points on the transfer from Obama to Trump have obviously been distributed. All these stories were published/broadcast on Friday within hours of each other:
That same angle being taken at the same time was a total coincidence though.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Dem Sen. Gillibrand opposing Trump’s nomination of Gen. James Mattis for SecDef (what’s ‘obstruction’ called when Dems try it?)
**Written by Doug Powers
Donald Trump had barely finished saying that he was choosing retired Marine Corps General James Mattis to be Secretary of Defense when the first Democrats was triggered by the choice, vowing to take a step to try and block the nomination:
Less than an hour after the president-elect announced his selection of retired Marine Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said she'd vote against the waiver that will be required for him to serve.
“While I deepl...
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Exclusive: What If the Convicted “Serial Rapist Cop” Is Innocent?
Exclusive: What If the Convicted “Serial Rapist Cop” Is Innocent?
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
“To hell with Daniel Holtzclaw, and his tears.” — MTV News correspondent Jamil Smith
“Drown in your tears, asshole.” — NYC playwright/actress Mara Wilson
“Where is the widespread outrage? Where is the media coverage? Why don't we matter???!!?” — actress Gabrielle Union
Former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw's emotional breakdown went viral one year ago this week in...
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Altruistic former congressman beseeches Obama-the-Merciful to pardon millions of ex-inmates (including a certain former congressman)
**Written by Doug Powers
It's pretty hard to beat this Chicago Tribune headline for summing up the story:
What a totally selfless request:
sse Jackson Jr. is calling on President Barack Obama to issue a mass pardon of former prison inmates who have completed their sentences — a group that would include both Jackson and his wife, former Ald. Sandi Jackson.
In an emotional and rambling Facebook post he made at 4 a.m. Thursday, Jackson wrote that “the great 2016 pardoning of the masses will creat...
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Narrative-buster: Look who committed a “racist,” “pro-Trump” “hate crime”
It's hate crime hoax time again, my friends.
I've written early and often about the Left's manufactured fake hate crime epidemic over the years–at the hands of the SPLC, CAIR, and their media and government minions.
The latest example comes from Philadelphia, where an SPLC–listed act of hate vandalism turned out to be a Tawana Brawley-style hoax.
The black perpetrator was arrested today:
A 58-year-old South Jersey man has been arrested and charged with vandalizing several vehicles and homes in ...
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Priorities! Former Beastie Boy finds way to raise money for Planned Parenthood that doesn’t harm any cows or sheep
**Written by Doug Powers
“Priorities,” progressive-style!
Adam Horovitz — a.k.a. Ad Rock — has teamed up with vegan shoe company Keep to design a new sneaker made to benefit Planned Parenthood, the company announced Tuesday.
The Ramos Ad-Rock was inspired the rapper's desire for a sneaker that would keep him warm during the winter months, made in the company's cruelty-free tradition.
Net proceeds of this shoe will be donated to Planned Parenthood because I support a woman's right to choose ...
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Here’s the most hilarious part of Obama’s interview with Rolling Stone
**Written by Doug Powers
The portion of Obama's latest interview with Rolling Stone founder Jann Wenner that generated the most buzz is the president saying that the Dems' inability to reach voters is because of “Fox News in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country.” I've run into Hillary during walks in the woods more times than I've sat and watched Fox News at a bar, but never mind that, because there was something better: This exchange between Wenner and Obama should win the Puli...
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Justin Trudeau: Baby-faced Commie apologist unmasked
Justin Trudeau: Baby-faced Commie apologist unmasked
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
Wasn't one vapid pretty boy named Justin from Canada enough?
At least Justin Bieber is eye candy without the heartburn. Justin Trudeau, on the other hand, is the twinkly-eyed boy toy who makes informed adults wanna hurl.
For more than a year, the liberal Canadian Prime Minister enjoyed drool-stained global press coverage as the “hot hipster” and “dreamy sex symbol” with great hair and a trib...
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While raking in millions for recount effort, Jill Stein complains about Wisconsin upping cost estimate
**Written by Doug Powers
Green Party candidate Jill Stein has already raised millions of dollars for recounts — some of which won't even happen (read the “fools and their money are soon parted” clause in fine print on the donation form). One place where a recount might go forward, with the Hillary campaign's blessing, is Wisconsin. Like everything else though, the cost is going up rapidly, and Stein isn't happy about it:
Oh PLEASE let Wisconsin tell her that the cost went up greatly after el...
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(Knee)-Jerk of the Week: Tim Kaine was really in a hurry to blame the NRA for attack at Ohio St.
**Written by Doug Powers
Yesterday a man described as an 18-year-old Somali refugee (Obama's still trying to determine if he should be categorized as “widow” or “orphan”) injured many people at Ohio State by ramming them with a car and slashing others with a knife. The sound of a campus officer taking down the attacker with a gun led to early reports of an “active shooter” situation, but Hillary's former running-mate Tim Kaine didn't need to wait for any more details because his lefty instinct h...
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If At First You Don’t Secede: Another wacky comedy is being produced in California
**Written by Doug Powers
The desperation to escape Trump is ratcheting up in California:
“Should California become a free, sovereign, and independent country?”
The question could appear on a statewide ballot in 2018 if a group of secessionists has its way.
Yes California has been pushing for the state to break away from the United States and become its own country for several years.
Marcus Evans, the vice president of Yes California, filed a proposed ballot measure with the Attorney General's Of...
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Flashback Monday: A reminder of the RefuJihadis who’ve waged war on American soil
The primary suspect in this morning's attack at Ohio State University has been identified as a young male Somali refugee.
Here's your reminder from my 9/11 column last year about the other #refujihadis who have waged war on American soil.
America's Reckless Refuge for Jihad
By Michelle Malkin
September 11, 2015
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2015
On the anniversary week of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President Obama is rolling out the welcome mat to tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees. Wh...
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U.N.-believable: Ban Ki-moon (and others) mourn ‘strong voice for social justice’ Fidel Castro (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
We'll devote this Sunday open thread to some of the more ridiculous reactions to the death of Fidel Castro (along with whatever else you'd like to talk about).
The lead-off batter is UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who mourned Castro as somebody concerned with social justice and climate change. You can't make this stuff up:
Speaking on behalf of the United Nations, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon this morning extended condolences to the Cuban people and to the family of...
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Of course: Hillary ‘questioning election results threatens democracy’ Clinton joins Jill Stein’s recount effort
**Written by Doug Powers
Anybody who knows the Clintons realizes that these two headlines just can't be completely unrelated:
One thing…
…leads to another:
The scent of money works wonders.
Hillary Clinton's campaign will participate in the recount, but only to make sure Stein, Trump, Johnson, et al, don't get unfairly screwed in the process (HAHAHAHA!):
After a period of public silence about the results of the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton's top campaign lawyer said the campaign will play...
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‘Green’ initiative: Jill Stein raising millions for *election recount (*read the fine print)
**Written by Doug Powers
The Green Party's 2016 candidate Jill Stein wants recounts in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and has raised nearly $5 million so far, supposedly to pay for the effort. But if the recounts don't happen, Stein and the Green Party will find other uses for the donations:
Before you donate to Green Party candidate Jill Stein‘s effort to demand a recount in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, you may want to read the fine print on her website. So far, she has raised...
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Shh, nobody tell Rolling Stone that Trump’s not even president yet
**Written by Doug Powers
Lets not inform Rolling Stone that Obama's the president for nearly two more months, because they seem to be enjoying life in their alternate reality:
Hey Rolling Stone, this is still “life under Obama,” but that's one of the reasons there's about to be “life under Trump.” However, the ignoring of basic facts is what we've all come to expect from Rolling Stone. Maybe they're angling for a Christmas gift basket from Obama before he leaves office.
Rolling Stone's 2008 u...
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