**Written by Doug Powers
2017 isn’t even half over but it’s unlikely we’ll eclipse the kind of journalism we’ve seen so far this year. Via @KassyDillon, bask in this CNN screen shot:
Rumor has it Woodward and Bernstein have optioned the story from CNN for a sequel titled “All the President’s Mint Chocolate Chip.”
Now I know what Dems mean when they sound the alarm about a “constitutional crisis”:
President Donald Trump is living every child’s dream: More ice cream.
According to an extensive interview with TIME Magazine, Trump’s White House staff has settled into Trump’s routine and know his desires, sometimes before he does, For example: Trump takes two scoops of ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, TIME reported, while everyone else around the table gets just one.
Based on that alone, before the month is out, Ben & Jerry’s will be selling a new flavor called “Impeach Sorbet.”
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe