**Written by Doug Powers
Are you among those who are confused about why the GOP tax bill has been signed into law and yet life as we know it has not been wiped out as we were promised? House Democrats, at the behest of Nancy Pelosi, will spend part of the weekend explaining the anomaly to constituents while at the very least letting them know how the GOP screwed them over by allowing them to keep more of their own money:
Congressional Democrats will hold a series of “teach-ins” to celebrate the Martin Luther King holiday, hoping to rally Americans against the GOP’s tax bill as they seek to regain their legislative footing.
After ending 2017 on defense, watching from the sidelines as the GOP approved a landmark tax code overhaul and repealed a major portion of Obamacare, Democrats are vowing to try to push their agenda in 2018.
As for the Jan. 13 teach-ins, she said the goal will be to use the civil rights icon’s holiday to rally opposition to the tax overhaul, which she and fellow Democrats have labeled the “GOP tax scam.”
Roll tape on the Loony-Tron:
In other words, Pelosi’s sending Dems out to put a fresh spin on their failed previous spin. No wonder she’s dizzy.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe