Illegal? There’s a new one. Leave it to Vox to explain why late term abortion should be legal but how Pence might be committing a crime by turning down a dinner invitation.
Figures: Fans of Bill & Hillary’s union think Mike Pence’s marital philosophy is just horrible (and maybe illegal)
**Written by Doug Powers
Well, you’ve probably heard by now the reports about Mike Pence’s marriage philosophy and practices. Seems the couple has over the years extra careful to never put themselves into potentially compromising positions, and the side of the aisle where Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton are lionized while the likes of Anthony Weiner are written off as unrelated side distractions thinks the Pences are just plain weird.
The Huffington Post started off the criticism:
It’s patently false that because Pence won’t have dinner alone with women means he can’t possibly have any females in high positions around him, not that reality will stop them from making the claim.
Vox took the whole thing a step further:

Illegal? There’s a new one. Leave it to Vox to explain why late term abortion should be legal but how Pence might be committing a crime by turning down a dinner invitation.
And a National Post “journalist” really swung for the Pences with this one:

The author of that last one doesn’t seem to have similar issues with Bill Clinton’s approach to life:

Huffington Post and Vox, mentioned earlier for mocking Pence, have also gushed over the Clintons, naturally:

But anyway, isn’t that Pence marriage awful!?
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe