**Written by Doug Powers
When you heard some Democrats blame the NRA for terrorist attacks, liken Republicans to ISIS or link Mitt Romney to a woman’s cancer death, naturally the first thought that went through your mind was “the Dems need to stop being so damn nice!”
Congresswoman Maxine Waters said on MSNBC today that one of the problems her party has is that they tend to be too “nice.”
She told Jacob Soboroff, “That has been a problem in my party, that when we’re in power we’re nice. We bend over backwards to work with people. Trump has stepped over everybody.”
Sure, Maxine, Dems have always been happy to work with their opponents when in power, just ask President Barack “I won, deal with it” Obama.
There is one thing the Dems — Harry Reid specifically — was incredibly “nice” about, and that was his 2013 filibuster nuclear option that’s left his party powerless to do anything about Trump’s nominees.
But hey, if Waters and the Dems want to think this is happening to their party isn’t being “mean” enough, good luck with the future:
Message Waters gets from that: We Dems need to up our demonization game!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe