Good news! Leo DiCaprio has disqualified himself from ever holding public office


**Written by Doug Powers

Progressive celebs like Leonardo DiCaprio are so eager to engage in debate that they don’t want those who aren’t in lock-step with Al Gore to even be allowed on the ballot for political office:

Monday’s panel at the White House “South by South Lawn” festival preceded the U.S. premiere of DiCaprio’s climate change documentary, “Before the Flood,” which will air on the National Geographic channel later this month.

The Oscar winner opened the panel by explaining that he planned to release the documentary before the November election to highlight the political importance of the issue. Like Obama, DiCaprio had strong words for climate change deniers.

“If you do not believe in climate change, you do not believe in facts, or in science, or in empirical truths, and therefore, in my humble opinion, should not be allowed to hold public office,” DiCaprio said.

And these are the people who call conservatives fascist? Now I know why Rose wouldn’t let him up on the door.

But the good news is, DiCaprio has disqualified himself from ever holding public office, because he can count himself among those who don’t “believe” that man is contributing to climate change — at least not this man:



But just because DiCaprio has disqualified himself from public office on Earth doesn’t mean he isn’t needed elsewhere:


And so off he goes:


The Martians whose aerosol hairspray, SUV’s and coal-fired furnaces are causing their planet to warm are about to get a stern lecture.

**Written by Doug Powers

Twitter @ThePowersThatBe