**Written by Doug Powers
Listen, my Resistance, and you shall hear
Of the damaged pride of Paula Revere,
On the eighth of November, in darkest sixteen:
Nearly every person on the American scene
Was blamed for events that fateful year.
–First stanza of “Midnight Lied of Paula Revere”
Yep, that’s right, Hillary Clinton really said she’s “Paula Revere” last night:
Hillary Clinton compared herself to Revolutionary War hero Paul Revere on Tuesday, saying that she is “Paula Revere” sounding the alarm on Russian active measures during the 2016 presidential campaign.
In her interview, Clinton suggested that she has led the push to call out the Russian government and Russian president Vladimir Putin about their involvement in the U.S. election.“I am saying as clearly as I can — I feel like I’m a bit of a, you know, Paula Revere — I’m trying to sound the alarm about this,” Clinton said to a smattering of laughter and applause.
The buried lede in that story is “Hillary Clinton gives up politics to focus on career in comedy.”
Clinton’s comparison only works if Revere had handed King George a “reset” button shortly before the Revolution started and joined others in mocking anybody who declared England to be a geopolitical threat to the colonies. Nice try though, Hillary.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe