**Written by Doug Powers
Around the time Colin Powell expressed frustration at Hillary’s attempts to throw him under the bus as being the inspiration for her email shadiness, this came out showing the former Bush secretary of state highlighting Bill Clinton’s favorite pastime:
In spite of the references to Bill Clinton’s “dicking bimbos” proclivities as well as Hillary being “greedy,” this isn’t really a surprise:
Former Republican Secretary of State Colin Powell said Tuesday he’ll vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, a high-profile snub of his party’s standard-bearer, Donald Trump.
How is Colin Powell’s endorsement of the Dem candidate any kind of “snub” of “his party”? Powell endorsed Obama in ’08 and ’12. A “snub” would have been an endorsement of somebody other than Hillary. Powell’s ultimate endorsement was never in doubt.
In any case, Hillary’s thrilled by the endorsement of the man who said her husband enjoys “dicking bimbos” at the family home in Chappaqua:

She’ll take the endorsements wherever she can get them.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe