Hillary’s “Future is Female” femme-a-goguery
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
All that was missing from Hillary Clinton’s video address to a left-wing women’s group this week was a pink pussyhat and a “BOYS SUCK” T-shirt.
Feminists at the MAKERS conference in Southern California gushed over the twice-failed presidential candidate’s remarks, which exhorted her ideological sisters-in-arms to “be bold,” “step up and speak out,” and “set an example for every woman and girl out there who’s worried about what the future holds and wonders whether our rights, opportunities and values will endure.”
(The alleged sexual assault victims of Bill Clinton who have stepped up and spoken boldly, however, did not get a shoutout.)
On its face, Hillary’s statement seems like standard-issue, gender-centric cheerleading. But her declaration that “The Future is Female” is a dog whistle to the most extreme wing of the progressive feminist movement — where an explicitly anti-male, grievance-wallowing, lady parts-obsessed culture prevails. A “female future,” after all, necessitates that inherently bad boys take a political backseat and yield all their authority to Grrrrl Power.
“The Future is Female” became a popular T-shirt motto in the 1970s, when a “queer feminist” bookstore owner in New York City snapped a photo of her girlfriend donning the slogan. Another feminist retailer, Otherwild, started marketing the apparel recently in a “call for the end of patriarchal ideology, domination, oppression and violence.” A quarter of the proceeds from sales of Otherwild’s “Future is Female” wear goes to Planned Parenthood.
Yes, the “Future is Female” propagandists are funding an abortion giant that has exterminated the futures of millions of unborn females in the U.S. and around the world.
Among the new femme-a-gogues fortunate enough to have avoided Planned Parenthood’s fatal forceps is patriarchy-smasher Kiran Gandhi. The Georgetown University and Harvard University School of Business grad is a musician who wears the T-shirt and whose companion song, “The Future is Female,” is an ear-warping anthem for the fist-clenchers.
“Toxic masculinity has to end,” she sing-raps. Feminist Superfund to the rescue!
“The system must make room for all that we do,” Gandhi demands. “We’ve been bleeding each month till we gave birth to you!”
Egad. What is it with these women and their fixation on menstrual cycles? Gandhi found fame while running the London Marathon in 2015 as she let her period flow down her athletic pants for 26 miles. As she and her stained self crossed the finish line, feminists praised her “courage” and “resilience” for running without a tampon. Get her a Nobel Prize.
Admirers at People magazine dubbed her the “Period Runner.” One feminist blog called her a “menstrual hero.” Gandhi later explained her role as an “ambassador” raising awareness of “menstrual health and hygiene” so that “instead of seeing it as a taboo, we should seek ways to design systems that make it easier for women to be comfortable during our cycles.”
Pushback against “period shaming” has become such a thing among privileged feminist elites that these gender justice warriors vandalized buildings during the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., by slapping sanitary napkins all over the walls. They donned tampon earrings and uterus costumes. They swooned while Ashley Judd shrieked on stage about being “nasty, like the blood stains on my bed sheets.”
This is not self-empowerment. It’s just gross self-indulgence and exhibitionism.
As the mother of a teenage daughter and teenage son, I don’t want Hillary’s female future for either of my kids. HillaryWorld is a bleak, identity politics cesspool hijacked by nutty man-haters running around with crocheted sexual organs on their heads and babbling about the human rights crime of their “flow.”
Keep up with this bloody mess, Hillary and friends, and you’ll be paving a smooth path to Trump 2020.