**Written by Doug Powers
When seeking experts on an inability to assert dominance, turn to low-rated MSNBC — in this case one of their hosts, Chris Hayes:
While praising the huge American crowds across the country that came out to support the U.S., Hayes condemned what he called “anti-soccer trolls” whose aversion, he said, is “weirdly tied to American exceptionalism.” He then made this statement.
“Part of embracing a truly worldwide competition is accepting the fact the U.S. cannot simply assert its dominance,” Hayes said. “Turns out we have to play just like everybody else.”
After the show, one of Hayes’ straw men beat him 10 to nil in a spirited foosball match in the green room.
Was Hayes saying that some Americans don’t like soccer because the Navy Seals can’t just be sent in to win the game and “force” exceptionalism? I’m not sure what Hayes was saying — and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t either — but at least it’s refreshing to see a “lack of assertion of dominance” appreciated by a guy working for the network that cheerleads for just about every federal government arm-twist and power grab ever devised. If only Hayes wanted the government run the way he wishes “anti-soccer trolls” viewed World Cup soccer.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe