**Written by Doug Powers
If you’re keeping score at home regarding what the anti-Trump Resistance is pinning their hopes to, here’s an update…
Out: “Trump colluded with Russia. Impeach!”
In: “Sure hope the Hustler publisher can find something.”
3:30p FBN EXCLSV: @washingtonpost will run a Sun.Hustler Mag’s @ImLarryFlynt offers $10m 4 info on @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/6SgK1khFDi
— Liz Claman (@LizClaman) October 13, 2017
Hey, somebody had to fill Harvey Weinstein’s void on the Democrat side, and this guy’s up to the challenge:
In the ad, Flynt calls Trump an “illegitimate” president who “was installed only by the quirks of our antiquated Electoral College.”
Flynt cites several reasons he believes Trump should be impeached in the ad, including Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey and his withdrawal of the United States from the Paris climate change agreement.
That’ll sound great at the impeachment hearing:
“The impeachment trial for President Donald Trump is hereby convened. Please read the charge.”
“Smut peddler doesn’t like the Electoral College.”
Good luck with that!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe