**Written by Doug Powers
Because there’s a lot of serious stuff going on and I’m sure everybody could use a stress-relieving laugh, I give you the comedic stylings of Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards:
MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: What do you make of this new administration? This new president? And would you meet with him? Or Ivanka who will be closely involved in women’s issues?
CECILE RICHARDS, PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Well we definitely are hoping that they will look at the important decisions that have to be made about women’s health care including Planned Parenthood. I know that the president himself during the campaign said favorable things about the millions of women who are helped by Planned Parenthood.
BRZEZINSKI: But you realize you have to cut a deal of some sort with this new administration in some way? Would you come to the table?RICHARDS: We’re always at the table. I mean we talk to everybody. I mean because Planned Parenthood, we’re non-partisan. We believe the most important thing is is that women in this country get access to the health care that they need.
Excuse me for a second…
Sorry. OK, where was I? Oh yes, Planned Parenthood couldn’t possibly be more “non-partisan”:

The only way Richards’ claim that PP is “non-partisan” is remotely true is that they’ll gladly accept funding taken from taxpayers regardless of their political affiliation or stance on abortion.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe