It’s hate crime hoax time again, my friends.
I’ve written early and often about the Left’s manufactured fake hate crime epidemic over the years–at the hands of the SPLC, CAIR, and their media and government minions.
The latest example comes from Philadelphia, where an SPLC–listed act of hate vandalism turned out to be a Tawana Brawley-style hoax.
The black perpetrator was arrested today:
A 58-year-old South Jersey man has been arrested and charged with vandalizing several vehicles and homes in South Philadelphia on the day after the presidential election, police announced Thursday.
William Tucker, of the unit block of Hemmings Way in Lawnside, Camden County, has been arrested and charged in the early-morning Nov. 9 incidents on the 900 block of South Sixth Street, at the border of the Bella Vista and Queen Village, police said.
On that morning, residents on the block awoke to find racist and pro-Trump graffiti spray painted on their storefronts, cars and homes.
One of the damaged cars was a white SUV that had “Trump Rules” and “Black Bitch” spray-painted across it in large black letters. The 62-year-old owner of the car, who is a black woman, has said she reported the vandalism to police.
Here’s the car:
The long-discredited SPLC grabbed the spotlight this week with its latest inflated report on “hate.” Who in the corrupt media will follow up on the fakery?
Bill Donohue calls ’em out:
The SPLC is also sounding the alarms over an alleged increase in hate crimes. It says that in the first 10 days after the election, there were 867 “hate-related incidents” across the nation. Not surprisingly, it blames Trump. In actual fact, that number represents offenses submitted by SPLC supporters, all of which lack independent verification. Yet these “findings” are being passed off by sympathetic journalists as if they were dispositive. The SPLC even admits that “many” of the incidents reported “remain anecdotal.”
It is not just journalists who are following the lead of the SPLC, many in government are as well. For example, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman recently held a press conference with civil rights leaders imploring the public to “stand up to hate.” What made his effort such a failure was his decision to enlist the support of Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, an organization known more for promoting hate than combating it.
So where are they getting their evidence, besides the SPLC? Hotlines help. They have recently been set up in New York and Massachusetts, as well as in some cities on the west coast. Who’s calling the authorities? In most cases, it is precisely those demographic groups that have been instructed by educators, over and over again, that they constitute an exploited minority, victimized by white, Christian, heterosexual males.
What exactly are they reporting? Intimidation.
The FBI hate crime statistics for 2015 lists intimidation as the number-one reported offense—it counts for over 40 percent of all such crimes. Yet nowhere does the FBI offer a precise definition of what constitutes “intimidation;” they rely on reporting precincts for the numbers. A standard legal definition says, “Intimidation means to make fearful or to put into fear.”
Given the elasticity of what constitutes intimidation, it is not surprising that hate crimes are reportedly increasing at a time when cultural and political divisions are worsening. What is most striking about this subject, however, is the dishonesty that marks the conversation: the same persons who say that obscenity laws are suspect because they rely on subjective judgments are quick to elevate intimidation to a mantle of objectivity. But if obscenity is in the eye of the beholder, and therefore meaningless, what makes judgments about intimidation meaningful?
The left is very good at playing these games, and no one is better at it than the SPLC. It has perfected the politicization of hate crimes.
As I have long observed, liberals see racism where it doesn’t exist, fabricate it when they can’t find it, and ignore it within their own ranks.