**Written by Doug Powers
With the mainstream media being what it is, the Trump era means that even good news is bad news. Below is one such example featuring the two top economic stories from a Google search. How’s this for a shot & chaser?
The Dow hit another record high this week and there are other signs of economic turnaround, but don’t get too excited about any of it. According to an article in the NY Times, an improved economy could kill you:
But a surging economy does more than generate greater income. An industrial economy also pumps out more air pollution as more goods are produced. Polluted air, it turns out, is a major contributor to the mortality-increasing effect of an economic boom. In their analysis of how economic growth increases mortality, David Cutler and Wei Huang, of Harvard University, and Adriana Lleras-Muney, of U.C.L.A., found that two-thirds of the effect can be attributed to air pollution alone.
Other factors contribute to rising mortality during expansions. Occupational hazards and stress can directly harm health through work. Some studies find that alcohol and tobacco consumption increases during booms, too. Both are associated with higher death rates. Also, employed people drive more, increasing mortality from auto accidents.During recessions, people without jobs may have more time to sleep and exercise and may eat more healthfully. One study found that higher unemployment is associated with lower rates of obesity, increased physical activity and a better diet.
We’d better have a good old fashioned economic depression fast or we’re all gonna die of heart & lung disease along with a lack of sleep.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe