**Written by Doug Powers
We have reached the summit of 2017, thanks to the op-ed section in the New York Times, and already the urge to jump off is overwhelming:
For all its flaws, the Communist revolution taught Chinese women to dream big https://t.co/Fci82iAPxM
— NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) September 26, 2017
Yep, the “Great Leap Forward” left tens of millions dead, but that Mao sure did sock it to the patriarchy!
Forty years after Mao’s death, this aspect of his legacy is still understood through his famous pronouncement on gender equality, “Women hold up half the sky.” It is a slogan my grandmother utters in the same breath as the chairman’s other sins and deeds.
For all its flaws, the Communist revolution taught Chinese women to dream big. When it came to advice for my mother, my grandmother applauded her daughter’s decision to go to graduate school and urged her to find a husband who would be supportive of her career. She still seems to think that the new market economy — with its meritocracy and freedom of choice — will finally allow women to be masters of their minds and actions.
Being held captive in a pit in some freak’s basement can also cause somebody to “dream big” but that doesn’t mean it calls for articles titled “The Upside of Buffalo Bill.”
The Times has really been churning out the pro-commie op-ed hot takes lately. Check out this one from last month:
Opinion: Why women had better sex under socialismhttps://t.co/cis6jQLgDs
— The New York Times (@nytimes) August 13, 2017
Is there really anything hotter than doing it knowing the KBG’s watching but your parents will never find out because they’re in a gulag for listening to an Elvis Presley bootleg?
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe