**Written by Doug Powers
The Democrats’ Plans A & B for saving Obamacare, which were “get celebrities to tell everybody it’s awesome” and “nominate Hillary,” didn’t go so well, so it’s on to the next scheme — whatever that might be:
President Barack Obama will head to Capitol Hill Wednesday to meet with congressional Democrats about how to shield Obamacare from Republican efforts to dismantle it, a Capitol Hill source told POLITICO.
The meeting is at 9 a.m. in the Congressional Visitors Center auditorium and is for both House and Senate Democrats, according to a notice sent to members Friday morning.
With Republican vowing to begin repealing Obamacare almost immediately when the 115th Congress convenes next week, Democratic lawmakers are immersed in strategy sessions on how to protect the nearly seven-year-old health care law.
I just can’t believe this approach to health insurance isn’t going to stick long term:

In a show of bipartisanship, Republicans should show up at the Dems’ meeting and assure Obama, “If you like your signature legislative achievement you can keep it.” Or maybe, “We have to pass the repeal to know what’s in it.”
At least now we know that “full-bore smug” isn’t an ironclad way to ensure the long-term survival of a pet law:

Probably. Not. For. Much. Longer.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe