**Written by Doug Powers
The wind-up:
And the pitch:
Air Force One is now solar-powered, right? Actually, no.
In other “while Iraq collapses” eco news, jet-set, mansion-loving climate crusader John Kerry continues to star-gaze with the best of them:
Look fwd to having @LeoDiCaprio at #OurOcean2014. He’s been an important advocate/partner to protect the health of our ocean.
— John Kerry (@JohnKerry) June 14, 2014
DiCaprio will be able to better assess the negative impact emissions are having on the world’s oceans after he’s blasted into suborbital space flight aboard Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic:
According to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration’s environmental assessment of the launch and re-entry of Virgin Galactic’s spacecraft, one launch-land cycle emits about 30 tons of carbon dioxide, or about five tons per passenger. That is about five times the carbon footprint of a flight from Singapore to London.
When you include the energy of the entire Virgin Galactic operation, which includes support aircraft, it is seven times more than the flight from Singapore to London. As such, a single trip on Virgin Galactic will require twice as much energy as the average American consumes each year. (These numbers were confirmed by a representative for Virgin Galactic.)
If these guys want to see “climate change deniers” all they need are mirrors.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe