**Written by Doug Powers
Tonight, President Obama will cap off his career in elective politics where it began, at at Bill Ayers house McCormick Place in Chicago.
And there shall be a great weeping in Hollywood while the Mainstream Media drool/tear bucket overfloweth:
Popular but politically humbled, President Barack Obama says goodbye to the nation Tuesday night in a dramatic reinterpretation of a presidential farewell address.
Hoping to capitalize on a well of goodwill that’s expanded in the final year of his tenure, Obama has discarded the staid Oval Office or East Room for his last formal set of remarks. Instead, he’ll travel to Chicago, the city where he declared victory in 2008 and 2012, to address a sold-out crowd of ardent supporters.
The moment, conceived months ago, is meant to recall the most iconic moments of Obama’s historic tenure, ones rooted in the “hope and change” message that carried the first African-American to the White House.
As he departs office leaving scores of progressive policies in place, there’s ample evidence of change. But for his backers, the “hope” aspect of that original mantra is diminished by the prospects of Donald Trump’s presidency.On Tuesday, Obama aims to revive the spirits of progressives who he’d hoped to rally behind Hillary Clinton. Though his speech won’t be policy-oriented or carry any direct contrasts with Trump, his message will offer a “hopeful” vision for the future, according to administration officials.
Counselors will be available at MSNBC and Chris Matthews’ dinner fork is being corked for his own protection as we speak.
Thousands of tickets were made available — one for every national & local political seat Democrats lost during Obama’s tenure, give or take:
But this is really just the end of the beginning. Once Trump takes office Obama will probably be more outspoken than ever, and he’s also going to help develop Dem political talent, much to the delight of the GOP.
People can say what they want about the Obama years, but his ability to inspire even the most previously apolitical publications to sound like North Korea state media is undeniable:

I’m assuming Obama’s speech will cover how he did in fact slow the rise of the oceans in these past eight years.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe