**Written by Doug Powers
More Benghazi documents have been obtained, one of which is an email from Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes to Jay Carney and other administration officials with prep for a phone call with Susan Rice, who was at the time the U.S. ambassador to the U.N.
Here’s the Rhodes email, from Judicial Watch via Twitchy):
The Rice prep call was Saturday afternoon, and the next morning she was on the Sunday news shows pushing the “it was because of the video” lie (the guy who made the YouTube video in question is still in jail — an apparent extended safety precaution to protect our diplomats abroad or something).
So, linking the attack to the video wasn’t Rice’s idea?
The email is also significant because in congressional testimony in early April, former deputy CIA director Michael Morell told lawmakers it was Rice, in her Sunday show appearances, who linked the video to the Benghazi attack. Morell said the video was not part of the CIA analysis.
Susan Attkisson, who left CBS News in March after 20 years because she said in part she was frustrated on the network’s lack of support for her investigations, pointed this out:
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told me today that the government apparently tried to keep the Rhodes email out of Congress and the public’s hands by classifying it after-the-fact.
“They retroactively changed the classification,” Chaffetz says. “That was an unclassified document and they changed it to classified.”
Coincidentally, Ben Rhodes’ brother David is president of CBS News. In fairness though, because of the media/administration revolving door, it’s tough to find a major news organization with employees who don’t have spouses/relatives/close friends in the White House.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe