**Written by Doug Powers
In an interview this week, Hillary Clinton made it clear that she's available to offer advice to other Democrat 2020 hopefuls:
“Nobody's actually been to see me,” the two-time failed presidential candidate said in a radio interview. “I see Democrats all the time, and nobody has said ‘Hey, I'm going to run,' or ‘I'm thinking about running, give me advice now,' because it is too soon.”
She added, “And there may be some private planning going on by some people. I wouldn't k...
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Chuck Schumer can stuff his effort to ruin Thanksgiving dinner
**Written by Doug Powers
Another Thanksgiving is upon us, and with it another Democrat attempt to try and take advantage of families' tryptophan dazes to push some liberal talking points:
Bring this chart to Thanksgiving dinner. It'll come in handy when that family member who always talks politics tells you the Republican tax bill helps the middle class. pic.twitter.com/2EpZ5PxcDY
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) November 19, 2017
Make like it's the turkey, and stuff it, Chuck.
If anything this...
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Dumb sensors, deadly consequences
Dumb sensors, deadly consequences
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
The circumstances of U.S. Border Patrol agent Rogelio Martinez's death this week remain murkier than the Rio Grande River.
Agent Martinez succumbed to critical head injuries early Sunday morning. An unnamed partner, who came to Martinez's aid after he radioed for help from a remote area of the Big Bend sector in Texas, also suffered serious wounds. Whether by deliberate ambush or accident, one of our border enf...
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SNL alumni not offended by Franken vouch for beleaguered senator
**Written by Doug Powers
This could be the funniest thing to come from SNL in years, and the tragedy is that it'll never make the cut for a sketch on the show:
Three dozen women who worked with Sen. Al Franken during his tenure on “Saturday Night Live” came out in defense of the Minnesota Democrat facing allegations of sexual misconduct.
In the letter, the women slammed Franken's behavior toward Leeann Tweeden — who accused the lawmaker of forcibly kissing and groping her more than a decade ago ...
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Why some congressmen cling to the job for life, part VII: Taxpayer-funded harassment insurance
**Written by Doug Powers
The latest member of Congress to be named in a harassment story is a Democrat who has been in the House since the continental ice sheet carved out the Great Lakes: Michigan Rep. John Conyers. Taxpayers, take note of the amount of money Conyers reportedly gave the woman to settle the complaint, because you paid for it:
The website BuzzFeed News reported on Monday that the office of Conyers, 88, paid the woman over $27,000 to settle the complaint under a confidentiality ag...
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Newsweek now considers Trump to be a member of *the family
**Written by Doug Powers
*The Manson family
Hell got a little more crowded yesterday after Charles Manson died, and Newsweek obviously just couldn't help themselves, because nothing is too stupid anymore:
How murderer Charles Manson and President Donald Trump used similar language to gain followers https://t.co/SWNeoff4vY pic.twitter.com/pBPeHLXqAG
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) November 20, 2017
For the article's headline, Newsweek removed the word “similar”:
Have you ever used language? If so you...
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The ‘I’ in ‘IRS’ now stands for ‘Irony’ (as inspired by Lois Lerner)
**Written by Doug Powers
Last month, the Justice Department announced settlements had been reached with conservative groups the IRS admitted targeting for scrutiny during the totally scandal-free Obama administration. Last week, Lois Lerner and a person she worked with at the IRS at the time said they would fight unsealing of depositions for this reason:
Ms. Lerner and Holly Paz, her deputy at the IRS, filed documents in court Thursday saying tapes and transcripts of depositions they gave in a c...
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10 months after 8 years of Obama, Joe Biden says America in grave danger
**Written by Doug Powers
Does Joe remember who was in charge for eight years up until January 20th? Maybe not:
Former Vice President Joe Biden lashed out at President Trump on Saturday for creating a “dangerous” climate in America.
Biden, while speaking about his upcoming book at the Miami Book Fair in Florida, paused to discuss the Trump administration. He accused the president of not caring about the working class voters that put him in the White House and said he and his advisors take advant...
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Epilogue XXIV: Hillary forgets different reason Bill ‘survived’ ’92 campaign
**Written by Doug Powers
A Clinton Foundation event marking the 25th anniversary of Bill's 1992 campaign was scheduled before Hillary lost last November and when organizers were probably certain it would be a celebration of two presidents. Instead the event had all the positive energy of Hillary's “victory” party after the election. But at least it was nice of Hillary to remind Bill that she had it so much tougher than he did:
“Unfortunately our body politic's immune system has been impaired bec...
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Emergency! Soros, Pelosi handing out new Resistance playbooks in Calif.
**Written by Doug Powers
Is there a certain billionaire Dem Party puppet master out there who isn't happy with his return on investment in recent years? It sounds like updated “Resistance” playbooks are being handed out in California this weekend:
Liberal billionaire George Soros and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi were listed as the main attractions Friday at a California gathering of the anti-Trump elite.
The four-day event in Carlsbad, titled “Beyond #Resistance: Reclaiming our Progressive...
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Hillary Clinton’s post-election denial circus enters 2nd year
**Written by Doug Powers
Everybody remembers this Hillary Clinton classic from a couple weeks before the 2016 presidential election:
Donald Trump refused to say that he'd respect the results of this election.
That's a direct threat to our democracy.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 24, 2016
That's right up there with Hillary's other all-time classics such as “like with a cloth or something” and “of course I believed Bill when he said the reason he was spotted in Vegas with no pants ...
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Judicial nominee’s ‘right to marry bacon’ joke had Sen. Pat Leahy sizzling mad
**Written by Doug Powers
How many times can satire die this year? New records are being set daily.
In 2015, then Texas Supreme Court Judge Don Willett, known for being snarky on Twitter, tweeted this:
I could support recognizing a constitutional right to marry bacon. pic.twitter.com/HKPW6tE4H6
— Justice Don Willett (@JusticeWillett) April 30, 2015
As the Founders intended!
It couldn't have been a more obvious joke, but now that Willett's a nominee to serve on the Fifth Circuit Court, Dems hav...
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Silence on Sleaze-Bob Menendez
Silence on Sleaze-Bob Menendez
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
The verdict is in.
I pronounce Democrat leaders, left-wing feminists and Beltway journalists guilty of gross negligence and hypocrisy over a dirty rotten sleazeball in their midst.
For the past 11 weeks, Bob Menendez has been on trial for 18 counts of bribery, fraud and corruption involving nearly $1 million in gifts and donations. The jury remained deadlocked as of Tuesday. A new Media Research Center analysis r...
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Joe Biden still go-to guy for making a fool of himself about guns
**Written by Doug Powers
It's been a while since Joe “fire the shotgun through the door” Biden has been given the opportunity to offer his Wiley Coyote-esque advice about firearms. On the Today Show Tuesday morning, Biden was totally cornered by a rather simple question, so he did something a career politician has been trained to do: Try and dodge it:
During an interview on NBC's “Today” show, an audience member asked Biden asked how he would “justify the Democratic view on gun control when the ...
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It’s ALIVE! VRWC resuscitated to explain ‘why many doubted Broaddrick’s claims’
**Written by Doug Powers
A wave of sexual assault allegations sweeping across Hollywood and politics has brought with it a renewed look at the allegations against Bill Clinton. Democrats at the time waved off the allegations from Juanita Broaddrick, Gennifer Flowers and many others as “personal” Clinton issues and nobody else's business. Clinton's accusers were smeared and slandered (with super-feminist Hillary leading the way at the time) in attempts to discredit them. Now that Clinton fans are...
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Arnold Schwarzenegger wants warning labels on fossil fuels, but let’s start here first
**Written by Doug Powers
Arnold Schwarzenegger has an idea that could have an impact, as long as you believe somebody 100 miles from home might stop at a gas station for a fill-up and say to themselves, “You know, I was going to get enough fuel to get home but because this warning label says it might contribute to polar ice cap melt I think I'll try and walk it”:
Arnold Schwarzenegger, former California governor and Hollywood actor and film producer, issued a challenge on Sunday to governments t...
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‘WHAT network news bias,’ example #3,642
**Written by Doug Powers
As is often the case, evidence of MSM bias often isn't found in what they do cover, but what they don't.
The wind-up from Newsbusters:
If there was any doubt about the liberal media's double-standard when it comes to policing politicians' character, the last 24 hours have made it clear: All three networks have given heavy coverage to the serious accusations against a Republican Senate candidate, while the ongoing federal trial of a Democratic Senator has been largely hid...
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Déjà vu: These polls about 2020 seem really familiar for some reason
**Written by Doug Powers
Because the DNC refuses to ever acknowledge the existence of the definition of insanity, they'll be eager to hinge their hopes of winning back the White House on polls like these (Zogby Analytics and Politico/Morning Consultant):
Polls like those are exactly why an overconfident Clinton campaign ordered new drapes for the Oval Office in 2016, which on election night were removed from boxes, placed on the end of broomsticks and used to mop up Hillary's tears, Swiffer-s...
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Hollywood helping Dems win back heartland with movie about Wendy Davis
**Written by Doug Powers
Sandra Bullock is set to star in a movie about Wendy Davis's partial-birth abortion filibuster. The unofficial running title of the film is “How Trump Won a 2nd Term” and should be released just in time to ensure Dem candidates lose red states even worse than the last time:
Sandra Bullock will star in the spec “Let Her Speak” as Texas senator Wendy Davis, whose 11-hour filibuster helped stall an anti-abortion bill in the Texas state house.
Todd Black and Jason Blumenthal...
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‘Scream helplessly at the sky’ event fails to remove Trump from office
**Written by Doug Powers
Trump-triggered lefties were told if their barbaric yawps were loud enough, Hillary Clinton would become president. Much to The Resistance's surprise though — after screaming their lungs out on the one-year anniversary of the night Hillary shotgunned an entire box of Franzia Sunset Blush in a darkened NYC hotel room while driving a knife through a pillow sporting a crude drawing of James Comey — the despondent howls were futile:
People across the country gathered Wednesd...
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