**Written by Doug Powers
Some of the biggest hypocrites the world has ever known are those who spend their days promoting liberal/lefty ideologies while devoting their nights to sheltering themselves from the effects of same (::cough:: Al Gore ::cough::).
Here’s example #4,532 of that kind of approach, by way of HuffPo:
The apparent decision by executives at Media Matters for America to oppose the unionization of their staff has left employees at the progressive media watchdog feeling stunned and betrayed, according to a statement from pro-union workers.
Media Matters management recently declined to recognize the union through the “card check” process, instead exercising its right to force a union election under National Labor Relations Board oversight. If an employer wants to keep a workplace union-free, the latter route can give it time to delay the proceedings, bring in union-busting consultants and pressure workers to vote down the union.
In the case of Media Matters, it also opens up the site’s management to charges of hypocrisy.
My reaction:
These advocates for a “living wage” for all workers also use unpaid interns.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe