**Written by Doug Powers
The Nobel Prize committee really should add a “comedy” category just for this kind of laughable claim, but they’re probably too busy nodding their heads in agreement with the following statement about the man they gave a Peace Prize to (which was also evidence they need a “comedy” category”):
Economist Paul Krugman referred to Senate Republicans as “zombies” and asked who had eaten the “Republicans’ brains” in a New York Times op-ed Monday.
He argued that while the left’s “intellectual and moral collapse” might waiver from true north now and again, the right’s is regularly pointed far from truth. In an effort to make this point, Krugman discussed how former President Barack Obama approached health care.“[The] Obama administration was, when all is said and done, remarkably clear headed and honest about its policies,” Krugman wrote. “In particular, it was always clear what the ACA was supposed to do and how it was supposed to do it—and it has, for the most part, worked as advertised.”
“If you like your plan you can keep your plan,” “the average family will save $2,500 a year” and a dozen other doozies unavailable for comment.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe