**Written by Doug Powers
We’re just over a week into 2018, and already there are at least three (I’m sure there are more) seriously stupid and desperate climate change alarms being sounded.
First off, Scientific American poses a possibility for what might have triggered the Iran protests:
Climate change may have helped spark Iran’s protests https://t.co/MNUG4MH1dU pic.twitter.com/RJfTz9nILI
— Scientific American (@sciam) January 8, 2018
Yeah, that’s what it must be. They’ll do anything to sell a subscription to John Kerry.
Next we have Al Gore, who after spending years warning about warmer winters, said he (and his eco-alarmist buddy) predicted winter deep freezes all along:
It’s bitter cold in parts of the US, but climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann explains that’s exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis. https://t.co/6UfJ9Xxpq6
— Al Gore (@algore) January 4, 2018
Somebody check the oxygen mixture on the Goracle’s private jet.
Finally, Newsweek sinks what tiny remaining bit of credibility it might have had in order to explain why reality isn’t matching up to the predictions:
All that extra water from melting glaciers has caused the ocean to sink https://t.co/r4ZvE9DAfl pic.twitter.com/hqnuJoyD82
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) January 7, 2018
Newsweek’s desperation to keep pushing the AGW alarmist snake oil when reality doesn’t cooperate has caused these idiots to turn “science” into a spoof disaster movie written by Jim Abrahams and the Zucker brothers.
I don’t do polls much (if at all), but what the hell. Which whiffle-brained climate change “science” lunacy is dumber? Place your bets!
There are probably others from the last few days that I overlooked, and if so I blame climate change — of course.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe