**Written by Doug Powers
I know Hillary thinks she’s artfully dismissing the issue of her husband meeting with Loretta Lynch on an airport tarmac, but this speaks volumes:
“I didn’t hear about it for days because it was so inconsequential to both of them. And when I did, I didn’t think much of it. It was a rationalization that was used to be able to do what he [Comey] did.
It’s really funny to watch a former candidate pitching a book called “What Happened” claim to have not been curious about what happened. But from what I’ve seen, a good portion of “What Happened” is devoted to avoiding, denying and dodging what happened.
“I didn’t think much of it” explains everything we need to know about the Clintons. The husband of a presidential candidate under investigation gets caught meeting with the nation’s top law enforcement officer, and that didn’t even ring any potential warning bells at Clinton HQ? It’s true they “didn’t think much of it,” but that was until they became aware the meeting was noticed by a reporter. At that point, it became Comey’s fault for thinking it might have been a big deal. Comey’s one of the reasons Hillary stayed out of trouble, to to see her have to resort to bashing him indicates the amount of deep s**t she was actually in.
When Hillary says “I didn’t think much of it,” the discerning longtime Clinton observer translates that to “that’s nothing compared to other stuff we’ve done!”
Even more pathetic is that Clinton blew off the tarmac meeting question and flowed right into “but Russia”:
He forever changed history, but that’s in the past. What’s important is the fact that the Russians are still going at us. He himself admitted that before Congress. People I really respect like Jim clapper and others who knew that the Russians were doing have been sounding the alarm. I will tell you this, Anderson. If I had been elected president under the same circumstances so that I the lost popular vote, I squeaked through the electoral college and evidence came up that the Russians were trying to help me, I would have said on the first day in office we’re going to launch the most thorough investigation.
If Hillary had won, none of this would have been brought up at all. Wonder why that is!
Also for those keeping score at home, the candidate who campaigned on women being tough and independent-minded is now saying that “white women” didn’t vote for her because they’re controlled by men:
She referenced a discussion with Sheryl Sandberg, who told her that women become less likable when they’re more successful, whereas it works the opposite way for men. “Sheryl ended this really sobering conversation by saying that women will have no empathy for you, because they will be under tremendous pressure—and I’m talking principally about white women—they will be under tremendous pressure from fathers and husbands and boyfriends and male employers not to vote for ‘the girl,’” she said. “And we saw a lot of that during the primaries from Sanders supporters, really quite vile attacks online against women who spoke out for me; as I say, one of my biggest support groups, Pantsuit Nation, literally had to become a private site because there was so much sexism directed their way.”
Hillary’s trust level in women changes on any given day for any given topic:
“I will defend women’s rights to make their own health care decisions.” —Hillary https://t.co/BAbTwyL97U
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 23, 2016
But not their own voting decisions!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe