**Written by Doug Powers
There’s still plenty of California Dreamin’ happening on the Left Coast:
IN REAL LIFE, the Yes California movement aims to put the question of state secession on the 2018 ballot. In the world of comics, by contrast, assessments of that question will be rendered by May.
That’s when writer Matteo Pizzolo and artist Amancay Nahuelpan will launch “Calexit,” an indie comic from Black Mask Studios that will dramatize the question: What might it look like if California refused to be ruled by a “fascist, autocratic president”?
In the new series, the Golden State is home to the largest mass demonstrations the day after an iron-gloved president is sworn in, with swaths of protesters even blocking access to LAX and SFO airports.
“’Calexit’ is really about the cultural rancor we’re embroiled in across the country and around the world,” Pizzolo, who is also co-founder of L.A.-based Black Mask Studios, says of the comic’s chief universal theme. Yet he notes why California works especially well for his story.
An independent California now!!
Meanwhile, in the real world…

To envision a successful “CalExit” requires first seceding from reality.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe