**Written by Doug Powers
There’s a reason CNN’s uber-objective WH reporter Jim Acosta hates the “no cameras” briefings, but lucky for him they were on yesterday, and it showed:
During the White House briefing on Wednesday afternoon, CNN’s Jim Acosta threw a fit in the briefing room and quoted the poem engraved at the base of the Statue of Liberty in New York.
“The statue of liberty says, give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, it doesn’t say anything about speaking English or being able to be a computer programmer,” Acosta said. “Aren’t you trying to change what it means to be an immigrant coming into this country if you’re telling them, you have to speak English, can’t people learn how to speak English when they get here?”
When Stephen Miller tried to explain that poems on statues do not constitute immigration policy, Acosta doubled down.
“You’re saying that does not represent what the country has always thought of as generations coming into this country?” Acosta shot back. “That sounds like some national park revisionism.”
Acosta then tried to argue that talks of a border wall decreased legal immigration.
Hey, if Acosta wants to get into what the Statue of Liberty doesn’t say, let’s have at it (I haven’t seen anything about “free” health care or abortion on demand but maybe CNN can do some research).
Does this guy not sound more like a political opponent advocating a position than a “reporter”?
Not all heroes wear capes:

Dem 2020 nomination, current odds:
Joe Biden: 25-1
Elizabeth Warren: 15-1
Kamala Harris: 5-1
Jim Acosta: 2-1
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe