**Written by Doug Powers
Hey look, Planned Parenthood’s troubled by the possible rescinding of DACA for reasons you’ve probably already guessed:
Cecile Richards is upset that Trump ended DACA because the Planned Parenthood abortion business will get fewer customers as a result. She says she is “heartbroken” by the decision.
“The Trump administration just announced a plan to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — an attack that will leave 800,000 young people who have grown up in this country at risk of deportation, including members of the Planned Parenthood community,” Richards complained. “I’m infuriated. I’m heartbroken.”She claims “DACA has helped so many young DREAMers” to go to Planned Parenthood abortion centers.
Oh, and the kicker of Richards’ statement from Planned Parenthood:
“Here at Planned Parenthood, we firmly believe that every **person has the right to live, work, and raise a family freely and without the threat of deportation or separation,” she says.
DISCLAIMER: **Said person having achieved personhood after a date arbitrarily set by caring progressives.
Planned Parenthood continues its record as the least self-aware organization on the planet — possibly in the entire universe.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe