**Written by Doug Powers
The New York governor has added a couple of “feel the Bern” disclaimers to his “free college tuition” plan: A) The tuition’s not “free,” and B) Neither is anybody who takes advantage of the program:
Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday that the requirement was added to protect the state’s investment in a student’s education by ensuring they don’t take advantage of free tuition and then leave New York. The rule wasn’t a part of Cuomo’s free college tuition proposal when he unveiled it in January but was inserted during final negotiations with lawmakers over the state budget, which was approved Sunday.
The tuition initiative, which Cuomo said is a national model, covers state college or university tuition for in-state students from families earning $125,000 or less. Students must remain in New York for as many years as they received the benefit. They must repay the money as a loan if they take a job in another state.
“Why should New Yorkers pay for your college education and then you pick up and you move to California?” Cuomo said during a call with state editorial writers. “The concept of investing in you and your education is that you’re going to stay here and be an asset to the state. If you don’t want to stay here, then go to California now, let them pay for your college education.”
Mottos like “You’re going to stay here and be an asset to the state” (which could be dressed up as “Indentured Servitude We Can Believe In”) are sure to keep making New York a destination of choice… for outbound movers.
When it comes to wanting everybody to stay in the state, the super-inclusive Cuomo ceases to be governor of New York and morphs into the King of Mixed Messages:
No “free college” for you!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe