**Written by Doug Powers
In 1993, Sens. Harry Reid and Patty Murray both voted to pass the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which was also sponsored by Chuck Schumer. The bill went on to be signed into law by then President Clinton.
Yesterday’s SCOTUS decision in favor of Hobby Lobby was based on the RFRA, and Harry Reid thought it was a horrible thing:
“Today’s decision jeopardizes women’s access to essential health care. Employers have no business intruding in the private health care decisions women make with their doctors. This ruling ignores the scientific evidence showing that the health security of millions of American women is strengthened by access to these crucial services,” Reid said. “If the Supreme Court will not protect women’s access to health care, then Democrats will. We will continue to fight to preserve women’s access to contraceptive coverage and keep bosses out of the examination room.”
Keep your boss out of the exam room — that’s where Harry Reid should be! How dare anybody question the entity that runs the VA. And besides, Koch Brothers! Koch Brothers! Koch Brothers!
Patty Murray agrees with Reid, and is looking for a way around the SCOTUS decision:
Sen. Patty Murray, a member of the Democratic leadership, signaled in a statement she was open to both options.
“Your health care decisions are not your boss’s business – period. Since the Supreme Court decided it will not protect women’s access to health care, I will,” the Washington Democrat said in a statement. “In the coming days I will work with my colleagues and the Administration to protect this access, regardless of who signs your paycheck.”
Only in lefty la-la-land is dictating exactly what a business owner has to provide employees “not a boss’s business.”
It’s amazing what the media allows the Democrats to get away with. Nobody’s blocking anybody’s “access to health care” — this is all about who pays for it. And few in the mainstream media ever see the necessity to disclaimer the blanket Dem claim that Hobby Lobby “denies coverage of birth control” by pointing out that they currently cover 16 types of contraception. Media bias is most evident not in what they do report, but what they don’t.
The big picture irony is that the “who’s going to pay for it” argument all revolves around something called the Affordable Care Act.
@john_c_gregory requiring a subsidy to afford something flies directly in the face of it being “affordable.” @ThePowersThatBe
— sarah (@mamaswati) July 1, 2014
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe