**Written by Doug Powers
The DNC is making a symbolic gesture against mega-Dem donor and fundraiser Harvey Weinstein by giving a fraction of the money he’s donated to the party away to organizations that support the Democratic Party. This is known as the “out of one pocket and into another in the same pair of pants” technique of cleansing tainted donation money:
The Democratic National Committee will redistribute thousands of dollars of donations from Hollywood titan Harvey Weinstein to several women’s groups aligned with Democrats after reports Weinstein has settled sexual harassment lawsuits with a number of women over the years.
“The allegations in the New York Times report are deeply troubling,” Xochitl Hinojosa, the DNC’s communications director, said in a Friday statement. “The Democratic party condemns all forms of sexual harassment and assault.”
Hinojosa said the party will donate more than $30,000 in contributions from Weinstein to EMILY’s List, Emerge America and Higher Heights “because what we need is more women in power, not men like [President] Trump who continue to show us that they lack respect for more than half of America.”
That’s roughly 10 percent of the $300,000 Weinstein has donated to the DNC over the years, all of which was gladly accepted even though his reputation was apparently well established long ago. Weinstein spent much of his time and money hoping to get the wife of Bill Clinton elected president, and he’s given well over a million dollars to the Dem party and its candidates’ campaigns who used the money at least in part to get the “Republicans are bad for women” message out.
Now, a portion of Weinstein’s original DNC donations are being re-donated to Democrat orgs who will no doubt use some of the money to paint the Right as sexist. You know, ol’ Harvey might ultimately be best remembered as an enabler of the most self-perpetuating hypocrisy surge in American political history.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe