Screenshot via the LA Times website:
Jonathan DelCarmen is 19. He came to this country illegally seven years ago, when he was 12. He fits the profile of the prototypical “DREAM” youth whom President Obama has granted administrative amnesty to (and wants to expand massively) — and whom open-borders advocates in both parties believe should be immune from deportation, showered with in-state college tuition discounts, and eligible for a driver’s license and eventual citizenship.
Pictured above are the relatives of Xinran Ji. Ji was 24. He came to America legally to study engineering at USC.
Ji is dead.
Illegal alien youth DelCarmen was charged with his heinous murder, along with several other teen suspects:
DelCarmen is one of four teenagers charged with capital murder in the July 24 assault that killed Ji, an engineering graduate student from China. Police said Ji was walking home from a study group about 12:45 a.m. when he was attacked near campus, just blocks away from his apartment.
Police and prosecutors say Ji was beaten with a bat and suffered a head injury. Detectives said they believe he may have tried to get away from his attackers, only to be beaten a second time, according to law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation.
Despite his injury, Ji managed to make it home to his apartment, where, police said, a roommate found his body later that morning.
DelCarmen and three others — identified as Andrew Garcia, 18; Alberto Ochoa, 17; and Alejandra Guerrero, 16 — were charged Tuesday in connection with Ji’s death.
Both political parties enable the climate that leads to such horrors.
Fact: GOP Speaker Boehner refused to include repeal of Obama’s DREAM/DACA administrative amnesty in the House border bill that he abruptly yanked Thursday afternoon. Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Jeff Sessions have urged their colleagues to turn off the magnets that created the illegal alien border surge, but establishment Republicans are too feckless to do the right thing.
Fact: GOP “leaders” refuse to meet with families of victims of illegal alien crime who oppose all forms of amnesty.
Fact: Democrats and pro-amnesty radicals will protest any sunlight shed on the destructive consequences of non-enforcement of immigration laws. They’ll say it’s not fair to focus on single cases or “anecdotes,” even as they promote individual DREAM poster children who are allegedly “honor roll students, star athletes, talented artists and valedictorians.”
The “progressives” will do everything they can — shout “RAAAACIST at the top of their lungs, mostly — to prevent the horror stories of illegal immigration victims from being told.
We’re not allowed to talk about illegal alien crime.
Illegal alien disease.
Illegal alien drunk drivers.
Illegal alien displacement of American workers.
And of course, we’re not even allowed to say “illegal alien.”
Doing so invites accusations of racism and xenophobia, not to mention threats of being spat upon.
So be it. None of that has stopped me over the last 20 years. And it shouldn’t stop you. If law-abiding native Americans, naturalized Americans, and legal immigrants and their families don’t unite and speak up, the real American Dream is truly doomed.
The illegal alien murderer of Vanessa Pham.
The Jamiel Shaw family’s continued fight against illegal alien amnesty.
A grieving American’s invitation for Stephen Colbert
Illegal alien killer Godinez gets 3 consecutive life sentences + 20
Gang-linked San Fran sanctuary case charged with murder of a father and two sons (UPDATE: Video interview with widow added)
The bloody consequences of illegal alien sanctuary at the White House doorstep
Bloody consequences of open borders: The kidnapping and murder of Zina Linnik
More illegal alien drunk drivers I’m not supposed to mention
The RNC’s horrific open-borders pandering