**Written by Doug Powers
The United Nations frequently criticizes what they call “climate denial” but they’re perfectly comfortable with reality denial, as evidenced by the triggering after President Trump said that the city where Israel’s capital is located actually is the capital city of Israel. Trump’s decision really got some U.N. bureaucrats’ Boutros Boutros-Ghali signature line of undies in a wad:
The United Nations (U.N.) Security Council is weighing a draft resolution that would essentially seek to nullify any move to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The resolution, drafted by Egypt and circulated among the Security Council’s 15 members, does not directly mention the United States or President Trump, who moved last week to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city, according to Reuters, which viewed a copy of the text.
To be sure, any effort by the Security Council to call for the U.S. decision to be withdrawn would be largely symbolic. As one of the body’s five permanent members, the U.S. wields veto power over any resolution, and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley is almost certain to shoot the measure down.
How about a not-so-symbolic proposal: If the U.N. wants to nullify any recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel maybe Trump should nullify recognition of New York City as the quasi-capital of the United Nations. Turn it into Mar-a-Lago North and be done with them.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe