**Written by Doug Powers
Nothing sums up the U.N. and its agencies better than this:
From the bureaucratic body that put Iran on a women’s rights council comes another effort to outdo themselves:
Provoking global head-scratching and more than a little outrage, Robert Mugabe, the longtime president of Zimbabwe — who faces international sanctions for human rights abuses including violent crackdowns on political dissent — has been appointed as a “goodwill ambassador” for the World Health Organization.
The outcry rocketed around the world after this week’s announcement and seemed centered around one primary point: Can you be a “goodwill ambassador” if the world widely regards you as a violent, tyrannical despot?
Why Mugabe? Because Kim Jong-un turned down the gig after being told the honorary position wouldn’t include free all-you-can-eat pizza.
It’s possible that Mugabe’s goodwill ambassadorship will be withdrawn due to all the blowback, at which point I’d expect the U.N. to create an “ambassador of irony” seat for him on one of their LGBT councils.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe