**Written by Doug Powers
The dumbest, most pitiful takes imaginable have been offered since a nutjob who hated Trump and felt the Bern tried to massacre Republican members of Congress at a baseball practice. Two of the most prominent stinkers are from the papers with the respective slogans of “Democracy Dies in Darkness” and “The Truth is Now More Important Than Ever” — The Washington Post and the New York Times.
First off, a Washington Post author billed at their site as an editorial writer actually dropped this floater in an article about the shooting:
The system often feels unfair. Skewed electoral maps favor one party over another. Rural areas are overrepresented. Party fringes often exert more control over the agenda than the broad middle, where much of the country really is and the only place from which it can be effectively governed. Political money skews legislation. After an election such as last year’s, it is easy for the losing side to feel hopeless and desperate.
Geez, if James Hodgkinson had lived that could have doubled as his lawyer’s closing argument.
Not to be outdone, the New York Times editorial board responded to Hodgkinson’s attempt to massacre Republicans by… blaming Sarah Palin for the shooting of Gabby Giffords and then issuing a pitiful correction:
The New York Times corrected an editorial on Thursday that suggested the man who shot Rep. Gabby Giffords was inspired by an ad former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s political action committee sent putting a target on Giffords’ district.
In its broad attempt to condemn the dangers of heated political rhetoric following another shooting on Wednesday that wounded six people, including a congressman, the New York Times Editorial Board waded into controversy by mistakenly insinuating Jared Lee Loughner shot Giffords for political reasons.
“An earlier version of this editorial incorrectly stated that a link existed between political incitement and the 2011 shooting of Representative Gabby Giffords,” the Times wrote on Thursday. “In fact, no such link was established.”
Palin appears to be considering a lawsuit against the New York Times, and if so I hope she takes everything from them right down to Pinch Sulzberger’s shoelaces.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe