**Written by Doug Powers
Yesterday Huffington Post went full-blown fire & brimstone over Trump cutting the United States out of the Paris Agreement. Joining the “most over-the-top reactions” competition today are CNN and the Al Gore climate Kool Aid dealers at the Weather Channel.
First up, here’s CNN going full apocalypse (screen shot via @MartiniShark):
Well, at least now CNN’s convinced the future will have even more water in which they can continue shark jumping.
The Weather Channel played it a little more passive-aggressive but their spin for future storms is already taking place:

All the “science” you need to know now is that every storm, flood and clap of thunder that scares your dog and makes him squirt whiz on the carpet from this point on until further notice will be Trump’s fault. Because SCIENCE, dammit!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe