**Written by Doug Powers
Among the people most traumatized by 2016 were various members of the liberal media who were carrying Hillary Clinton on their shoulders, excitedly rushing her toward the inevitable coronation at the White House, when suddenly they slammed at high speed into a brick wall of reality. Among 2016’s psychological crash test dummies bruised and demoralized were a number of MSNBC hosts, who overall had a really bad year. Just try not to laugh at this:
Aside from a traumatic Trump-triggering that left some of MSNBC’s most vulnerable breathing into paper bags and popping antidepressants from “Stronger Together” Pez dispensers, for my money, Tamron Hall calling Bill Clinton’s affairs “alleged” should get a nomination for 2016’s funniest media moment.
Let’s also consider this our regular Sunday open thread, expanded to include New Years Eve. If you’re going out, be safe. See you next year!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe